[iva] [IVA 2022] 2nd Call for Workshops - Deadline Extension

Florian Pecune florian.pecune at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 20:59:38 CEST 2022


Call for Workshops

ACM 22th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents

September 6-9th 2022 University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal



Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Convention is the premier
international event for interdisciplinary research on the design,
application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a
specific focus on the ability to socially interact. IVA 2022 will be the
22th Annual Convention, held in Faro, Portugal, 6- 9th September 2022.


The IVA 2022 organizing committee solicits proposals for full-day and
half-day workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference.

The purpose of workshops is to provide an opportunity for participants from
academia, industry, government and other related parties to present and
discuss novel ideas on current and emerging topics relevant to intelligent
virtual agents, their applications and emergent technologies.

Workshops are scheduled for the first day of the conference, September 6,

Each workshop should be organized under a well-defined theme that focuses
on emerging research areas, challenging problems and applications.
Organizers have free control on the format, style as well as the building
blocks of the workshop. Possible contents of a workshop include but are not
limited to invited talks, regular papers/posters, panels, and other
pragmatic alternatives.

We encourage organizers to avoid a mini-conference format by (i)
encouraging the submission of position papers and extended abstracts, (ii)
allowing plenty of time for discussions and debates, and (iii) organizing
workshop panels.

Organizers of accepted workshops are expected to announce the workshop and
disseminate their call for papers, maintain the workshop website, gather
submissions, conduct the reviewing process and decide upon the final
workshop program. They are also required to prepare an informal set of
workshop proceedings to be distributed with the registration materials at
the main conference, with a proceedings format template provided by IVA
2022. Workshop organizers may choose to form organizing or program
committees to accomplish these tasks successfully.

Workshop proposals should be submitted via Easychair and should contain the
following information:


   Organizers: The names, affiliations, and short bios of all the
   organizers, including the main contact organizer’s e-mail

   Topic: The title of the workshop and a maximum of four paragraphs that
   motivates the workshop, describe its topic, its target audience, and its
   relevance to IVA.

   Pre-Workshop Info:

      Tentative names of invited speakers, reviewers, and panelists (if a
      panel will be organized)

      For workshops previously held at IVA or other conferences, details on
      venue, attendance and number of submissions/accepted papers from past

      For new workshops, a list of possible attendees/submissions and/or a
      justification of the expected attendees/submissions

   Workshop Info:

      The desired length of the workshop: full-day (~8 hours) or half-day
      (~4 hours)

      Tentative program sketch

      Tentative descriptions of all the workshop components (panels,
      discussion sessions, poster sessions, invited talks, etc.)

   Post-Workshop Info: The plan for the creation of a tangible outcome for
   this workshop.

Submission date for workshop proposals:


   May 6, 2022 (23:59 UTC-12)

Easychair link for proposal submissions:



If you have any question regarding the workshops organization, please
contact us:

workshops-tutorials-ivaconference2022 at gaips.inesc-id.pt

Best regards,
Florian and Beatriz
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