[iva] Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computer and Data Science

Chaspari, Theodora chaspari at tamu.edu
Tue Mar 14 18:00:14 CET 2023

Texas A&M University is now accepting applications for a 10-week summer undergraduate research program in the general area of computer and data science, generously funded by a gift from Google, LLC.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) participants will be assigned to a Texas A&M faculty mentor and will work closely with a Texas A&M graduate student or postdoctoral researcher to perform cutting-edge research in computer systems or data science.

In the summer of 2023, we will be partnering with REUs at Rice University and Prairie View A&M University. The summer will start with a joint kick-off program and end with a shared research symposium. During the summer, there will be workshops on conducting research, reading papers, preparing scientific posters, as well as research, career and technical talks.


  *   Majors in computer science, data science, statistics, applied mathematics, electrical engineering or applied/pure mathematics.
  *   Some knowledge of computer programming in a language such as Python or Java is required. Python is strongly preferred.
  *   International students must be enrolled at a university in the United States.
  *   Students must be at least 18 years old by the time the program starts.
  *   Students must have the ability to come to the Texas A&M campus in College Station, Texas.
  *   Applicants must be available during full-time business hours and possibly occasional weekends if required by the mentor.
  *   Students must plan on being at Texas A&M for the entire duration of the program.
  *   Participants from outside of College Station, Texas, will be given $500 to offset the cost of relocating to College Station. Participants will be housed on campus.

  *   $6,500 stipend
  *   Complimentary on-campus accommodations
  *   $500 travel expenses (if traveling from outside of College Station, Texas)
Key Dates

  *   Application Deadline: March 31, 2023 (priority deadline: March 15, 2023)
  *   Start Date: May 22, 2023
  *   End Date: July 28, 2023

How to Apply
To apply for this REU, you must submit the following application requirements via the qualtrics form<https://tamu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eJ2kgQySAUY552e>:

  *   Resume or curriculum.
  *   Short personal statement (less than one page) that describes your motivation for participating in this REU.
  *   Unofficial academic transcripts.
  *   Request two letters of recommendation. Please reach out to your recommenders and ask them to submit their recommendations through the qualtrics form<https://tamu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9SjiPzsgHqvgcxo>.

For additional information, please see the following link<https://engineering.tamu.edu/cse/research/reu/index.html>.

For other questions, please contact Dr. Theodora Chaspari (<chaspari at tamu.edu>).

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