[librecat-dev] marc_match does not like 8806?

Siebert, Dr. Martina Martina.Siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de
Mon Mar 11 18:43:59 CET 2024


I am lost :(
I am now fighting my way through a mixed pile of single- and multi-script MARC-records.
This was meant as a simple check if there exists a non-Latn version of - for example - the author field (MARC 100) - here tested with "convert to YAML" to see if it is working at all:
if marc_match(8806,'100')
But it doesn't work.
But this does:
if marc_match(1006,'880')
What am I missing?
I attach a 2 record sample (one with a non-linked 100, one with 100$6880). The second one should return both zzz:true, yyy:true but only returns yyy:true.

(just starting from the 100 field is not an option, because sometimes the $6880 is missing in the records I have, while the 880ies seem all to have $6 references)


Dr. Martina Siebert
Ostasienabteilung | CrossAsia
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz

martina.siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de<mailto:martina.siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de>

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