[iva] CFP: 12th ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017)

Sonia Chernova chernova at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Aug 9 18:32:34 CEST 2016

Call For Participation
12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017)
March 6-9, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline: October 3, 2016

The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction is a
premiere, highly-selective venue presenting the latest advances in
Human-Robot Interaction. The 12th Annual HRI Conference theme is
“Smart Interaction,” following Vienna’s “Smart City” initiative. The
conference seeks contributions from a broad set of perspectives,
including technical, design, methodological, behavioral, and
theoretical, that advance fundamental and applied knowledge and
methods in human-robot interaction.  Full papers, alt.HRI papers,
Late-Breaking Reports, and abstracts from Tutorials, Workshops,
Demonstrations and Videos, will be archived in the ACM Digital Library
and IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Full details of the submission tracks
is provided at http://humanrobotinteraction.org/2017/.

*Full Papers* - due 3 October 2016
Full papers are up to eight camera-ready pages, including figures, but
**excluding references** (this is new for this year): references do
not count toward the page limit. Submissions longer than 8 pages of
content excluding references will be desk rejected and not reviewed.
Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings
and be presented in an oral session. The HRI Conference is highly
selective with a rigorous, two-stage review model that includes an
in-person expert program committee meeting where papers are
extensively discussed. As such, all submissions should be mature,
polished, and detailed accounts of cutting-edge research. Authors are
encouraged to consult the guide regarding submissions to HRI provided
at humanrobotinteraction.org/2017/.

To facilitate quality interdisciplinary reviewing, and to inform
reviewer selection, authors will be required to select up to two
themes for their full paper submissions.

*Human-Robot Interaction User Studies* targets research that provides
data on and analysis of human-robot interaction for laboratory or
in-the-wild interactions. Quantitative and/or qualitative methods and
results are welcome, as well as hypotheses-driven and exploratory
Theme Chairs: Tony Belpaeme and Takayuki Kanda

*Technical Advances in Human-Robot Interaction* targets research
providing novel robot system designs, algorithms, interface
technologies, and computational methods supporting human-robot
interaction. This includes contributions that enable robots to better
understand, interact with, and collaborate with people, including
collocated interaction and tele-operation.
Theme Chair: Candace Sidner

*Human-Robot Interaction Design* targets research that makes a
design-centric contribution to human-robot interaction. This includes
the design of new robot morphologies and appearances, behavior
paradigms, interaction techniques and scenarios, and telepresence
interfaces. Research on the design process itself is welcome.
Theme Chair: Guy Hoffman

*Theory and Methods in Human-Robot Interaction* targets research
contributing to the understanding and study of fundamental HRI
principles that span beyond individual interfaces or projects. This
includes detailing underlying interaction paradigms, theoretical
concepts, new interpretations of known results, or new evaluation
Theme Chair: Kerstin Fischer

Authors are encouraged to review the extended call for papers on the
conference website (http://humanrobotinteraction.org/2017/) for more
information regarding the themes, including theme specific
program-committee, examples of past publications, and evaluation

*Tutorials and Workshops* - due 3 October 2016
We would like to invite you to organize a workshop or tutorial at HRI
2017. Tutorials and workshops will be held on March 6, 2017, one day
before the main technical sessions. All tutorial and workshop
proposals (please follow the instructions on the website) must be
submitted no later than 3 October 2016. The proposals submitted will
be subjected to a review process.

*alt.HRI* - due 5 December 2016
alt.HRI invites high-quality submissions that push the boundaries of
human-robot interaction research and that have high potential for
impact. The goal for alt.HRI is to broaden the scope of research
presented at HRI, inviting thought-provoking work that might not
otherwise be featured at the conference. alt.HRI work will be orally
presented at the conference and included in the adjunct proceedings.
More details to follow soon on a targeted theme for 2017.

*Late-Breaking Reports, Demonstrations, and Videos* - due 5 December 2016
Authors are invited to submit late breaking and in-progress work as a
Late-Breaking Report extended abstract, at-conference demonstration,
or entertaining video. Abstracts of accepted work will be published in
the adjunct proceedings, and archived in the ACM and IEEE Xplore
Digital Libraries

*Student Research Competition*
HRI 2017 will include a student research competition. Stay tuned for
more details on the HRI website.

Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Bilge Mutlu, UW-Madison
Manfred Tscheligi, U.Salzburg

Program Chairs
Astrid Weiss, Vienna U. Technology
Jim Young, U.Manitoba

Tutorials and Workshops Chairs
Friederike Eyssel, Bielefeld U
Guy Hoffman, Cornell U

alt.HRI Chairs
Heather Knight, CMU
Severin Lemaignan, Plymouth U

Late-Breaking Reports Chairs
Hirotaka Osawa, U Tsukuba
Laurel Riek, U Notre Dame

Videos and Demonstrations Chairs
Jun Kato, AIST
Dan Szafir, Colorado Boulder

Student Research Competition Chairs
Sonya Kwak, Ewha Womans U.
Nagisa Munekata, Hokkaido U.
David Sirkin, Stanford U.
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