[iva] ACII 2017 - Call for Papers and Submission Information (deadline May 2)

Poppe, R.W. (Ronald) R.W.Poppe at uu.nl
Fri Mar 31 11:02:15 CEST 2017

** Apologies for cross-posting **

ACII (Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction) 2017 - Call for Papers
October 23-26, 2017, San Antonio, Texas
http://acii2017.org/ or follow us @acii2017

The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC) invites you to join us at our seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), which will be held in San Antonio, Texas on October 23-26, 2017.

The Conference series is the premier international forum for interdisciplinary research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions
and related affective phenomena.

A selection of the best articles will appear in a "Best of ACII2017" special section of IEEE's Transactions on Affective Computing. Proceedings will be published on IEEExplore. IEEE CS is a technical co-sponsor of ACII 2017.

Topics of Interest
The theme of ACII 2017 is "Affective Computing in Action," highlighting the impact of Affective computing technologies in the wider world.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*         Recognition of Human Affect: Uni- or multimodal recognition of affect from face, body, gesture, voice text, or physiology; affective face/body animation; expression and gesture recognition; sentiment analysis

*         Synthesis of Human Affect: Affective speech synthesis, modeling and animation, synthesis of auditory affect bursts, synthesis of multimodal Affective behavior)

*         Affective Interfaces: Affective brain-computer interfaces, design of Affective loop and Affective dialog systems; mobile, tangible, haptic and virtual/augmented interfaces; Affectively-smart environments; Affectively proactive interfaces

*         Social and Behavioral Science Involving Affective Computing: Cognitive-Affective models; models of moral decision-making; tools for social science research; computational models of emotion; psychological factors in affective computing (personality, culture); ethical issues; dyadic and group affective processes

*         Affective and Social Robotics and Virtual Agents: Emotions in robot cognition and action, embodied issues in emotion; affective virtual agents; memory, reasoning, and learning of affective systems; affective architectures for virtual & robotic systems

*         Affective Applications: Databases and tools; biometrics; medical; assistive; virtual reality; entertainment; education; ambient intelligence; industrial

Keynote Addresses
ACII 2017 will feature keynotes from three luminaries in the field, including: James Russel, Tanzeem Choudhury, and Thomas Insel.

Special Sessions
The conference will have three special sessions. In the submission page, authors should indicate the special session as their main topic so that their papers are correctly assigned.

Emotions in cognition, adaptive behavior and action selection

*         Emotion elicitation and grounding

*         Emotion effects

*         Emotion models impact

Utilising big unlabelled and unmatched data for affective computing

*         Semi-supervised learning and active learning

*         Zero resource technologies, as unsupervised learning

*         Transfer learning for domain/model adaptation

Brain and Physiological signals for multi-users modeling

*         Collaborative brain-computer interfaces

*         Tangible / social display of physiological and neural cues

*         Social bio-feedback

Important Dates
*      Paper Submission Deadline: May 2, 2017
*      Notification of Acceptance: July 14, 2017
*      Camera Ready Papers Due: August 18, 2017
*      Full paper authors should register By: August 7, 2017
*      Early registration deadline: September 1, 2017
*      Conference Date: October 23-26, 2017

Submission Information
Submissions to ACII 2017 should not have substantial overlap with any other paper already submitted or published, or to be submitted during the ACII 2017 review period. All persons who have made any substantial contribution to the work should be listed as authors, and all listed authors should have made some substantial contribution to the work. All authors should be aware of the paper being submitted to ACII 2017.

Papers presented at ACII 2017 will appear in the IEEE Xplore digital library. If a paper is accepted, it is assumed that an author will register and attend the conference to present the paper. (Papers that are not presented will not go into IEEE Xplore.)

The reviewing process for ACII 2017 will be "double blind", and so the submitted version of the paper should be appropriately anonymized not to reveal either the authors' identities or institutions.

The submission process will be handled through the CMT System. Papers longer than six pages will be subject to a page fee (100 USD per page) for the extra pages (two max).  Submissions may be up to eight pages in the conference paper format.  Submissions must be in pdf format, are limited to a 10MB file size, and must be in final, publishable form before the submission deadline. Papers that use different formatting from the ACII 2017 Latex or Word templates, have more than eight pages, or explicitly reveal identifying information about the authors will be automatically removed from the reviewing process.

Supplementary material (images, video, etc.) may optionally be submitted with papers, but be sure to maintain anonymity, including the file properties or other hidden text. The supplemental material has a file size limit of 100MB. The supplemental materials will not be part of the conference proceedings, so they are only there to aid the reviewing process. Reviewers are not required to view the supplemental material (though most reviewers are likely to do so), so any information critical to understanding the work should be in the main paper.

Visa Statement
ACII is dedicated to inclusiveness and encourages the broadest possible international participation. We wish to reassure everyone that we are committed to providing a solution to any authors or attendees who are affected by US visa bans. In particular, ACII 2017 will not be retracting papers for 'no show' if authors are unable to travel to the US for this reason. As the organizers of ACII, we are aware that the US conference location in 2017 may cause problems for prospective authors and attendees, and are monitoring the situation. Please direct any questions or concerns to the ACII Visa Chair.
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