[iva] Call for applications: SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences 2017

Mohamed Chetouani mohamed.chetouani at upmc.fr
Thu May 11 17:37:31 CEST 2017

******** apologies for cross-posting *********

SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences
Paris, 4 - 8 September 2017
http://www.smart-labex.fr/SMART_School_on_Computational_Social_and_Behavioral_Sciences.html <http://www.smart-labex.fr/SMART_School_on_Computational_Social_and_Behavioral_Sciences.html>

Understanding human behavior by using both computer vision and signal processing has become of major interest since the emergence of numerous applications in various domains, such as social signal processing, affective computing or human-computer interaction. The key idea of a quantitative modeling and understanding of human behaviors through computational models is a long-term goal. Recent advances in mathematics, computer science, signal processing, machine learning (including Big Data) and robotics now make it possible to consider the development of tools or systems for human-human interaction or human-computer interaction analysis. This will break a new ground for future studies of human behaviors through the lens of complementary domains such as social neuroscience, psychology, sociology as well as psychiatry.

This school is organized in the context of the Laboratory of Excellence SMART Human/Machine/Human Interactions in the Digital Society (http://www.smart-labex.fr/ <http://www.smart-labex.fr/>)

The SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences will contribute to bridge the gap between the areas of social neuroscience, linguistics, psychology and sociology on the one hand, and mathematics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, social networks, autonomous agents and social signal processing on the other hand. This interdisciplinary framework will be efficient only if regulatory and ethical issues are taken into account at the early steps of the research.

This school allows completing the training of PhD students in computational sciences whom research require a background in human behavior analysis, modeling and/or synthesis.

The main topics of the 2017 edition are Influence and Decision.

- Sensing human behaviors, emotions and sentiments
- Opinion and behaviours influence
- Human-machine interaction and decision
- Information diffusion on social networks 
- Neural basis of decision
- Reinforcement learning 
- Ethical issues
- Influence of biomarkers on medical decisions
- Industrial applications of influence and decision theories and models 

List of speakers (to be completed):
Rachid Alami (LAAS-CNRS)
Kévin Bailly (ISIR, UPMC)
Laurent Boudin (LJLL, UPMC)
Raja Chatila (ISIR, UPMC)
Chloé Clavel (LTCI, Institut Mines Telecom)
Jean Daunizeau (INSERM, ICM) 
Jacques Dubucs (Paris Sorbonne)
Benoît Girard (ISIR, UPMC)
Mehdi Khamassi (ISIR, UPMC) 
Sylvain Lamprier (LIP6, UPMC)
Vincent Perlbarg (LIB)
Mathias Pessiglione (INSERM, ICM)
Louis Puybasset (LIB)
Liane Schmidt (ICM, INSEAD-Sorbonne Behavioural Lab)

School application:
Ph. D. students, post-docs, junior and senior researchers are encouraged to apply.
Applications should contain:
	• CV describing the academic background, webpage, other information that you may consider important.
	• Motivation letter.
	• Student certificate.
	• Each student is strongly encouraged to submit also a reference letter 
through the registration website:
http://www.smart-labex.fr/index.php?perma=Registration_to_CSBC <http://www.smart-labex.fr/index.php?perma=Registration_to_CSBC>

Applications to attend SMART School 2017 should be received 6 June 2017. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by Mid June 2017.
The school will be open to about 70 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates.

Registration fees:
- The SMART School is free for all pre-registered participants.
- The registration fees include lunches, coffee breaks, attendance to the school (lectures, practicals and social events). 

Local information:
- The school will hosted by the Cordeliers Campus of Sorbonne Universités.

School Directors:
Raja Chatila (ISIR, SMART)
Mohamed Chetouani (ISIR, SMART)

Contact: contact at smart-labex.fr <mailto:contact at smart-labex.fr>  

Mohamed Chetouani
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique

Pyramide – Tour 55
Boîte courrier 173
4 Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE

Tel : (33) 01 44 27 63 08
Fax : (33) 01 44 27 44 38
Email : Mohamed.Chetouani at upmc.fr

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