[iva] Call for Participation: 3rd Int. Workshop on Virtual Social Interaction (VSI 2017)

Iwan de Kok idekok at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Wed Jun 7 11:39:04 CEST 2017

Call for Participation:

*** 3rd Int. Workshop on Virtual Social Interaction (VSI 2017) ***

Date: July 6-7, 2017, CITEC, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/vsi2017/home


Social interaction is at the core of being human, but the scientific
study of social interaction is challenging. We have only a limited
understanding of the behavioral patterns and the brain and cognitive
mechanisms which allow interactions. New technologies like Virtual
Reality, motion tracking, virtual humans and 3D avatars, can help us
probe and measure human social behaviour without sacrificing the
validity of the interaction. The data we gain allows us to develop and
test new theories and models of the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying
human sociality.

This interdisciplinary workshop will highlight new methods and new
theories in the domain of social interaction, with a focus on the potential
of VR and AI technology, and work towards a scientific understanding of
how people interact. It aims to bring together researchers from Psychology,
Cognitive Science, Computer Science (VR, AI, HCI), Neuroscience, clinical
fields and other related areas. It is the third after two successful
preceding events held at UCL (London, 2014) and at the University of Salford
(Manchester, 2016).


The workshop program will feature invited keynotes by outstanding
researchers, as well as presentations of submitted and refereed research
work by the participants. It is in particular meant to provide an
to discuss exciting current and ongoing work.

Confirmed keynotes:
* Gerard Pons-Moll (MPI Intelligent Systems): Real virtual humans
* Andreas Mühlberger (U. Regensburg): VR in clinical Psychology and
* Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS, UPMC Paris): Socio-emotional conversational
* Jari Hietanen (U. Tampere): Cognitive and neural mechanisms of social
information processing

Furthermore we offer a program of 16 talks and a poster/demo session.



Registration deadline is June 13, 2017.




Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp (CITEC, Bielefed University)
Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch (CITEC, Bielefed University)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Vogeley (University Hospital Cologne)
Dr. Stephan de la Rosa (MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen)
Dr. Iwan de Kok (CITEC, Bielefed University)

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