[iva] Crowdsourcing experiment on user-agent interruptions

Angelo Cafaro angelo.cafaro at upmc.fr
Thu Oct 26 10:23:23 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

We have lunched an online crowdsourcing experiment on user-agent conversational interruptions.
All instructions are provided in a video tutorial and you can spend on it as much time as you wish:

http://crowdsourcingexperiment.azurewebsites.net/ <http://crowdsourcingexperiment.azurewebsites.net/>

Enjoy it!
Angelo Cafaro

PS: feel free to send the link around ;-)

Angelo Cafaro, Postdoctoral Researcher
INTERACTION Group, CNRS-ISIR, Pierre and Marie Curie University
Room J01, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 - Paris, FRANCE
+33 (0) 6 19 30 49 85 | angelo.cafaro at upmc.fr | www.angelocafaro.info

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