[iva] Now Hiring: Research Scientist / Assistant Professor in Affective Computing at USC-ICT

Jonathan Gratch gratch at ict.usc.edu
Tue Dec 5 00:23:00 CET 2017

The University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies (USC-ICT) has an immediate opening for outstanding recent PhD or Postdoc with expertise in nonverbal behavior understanding and analyses, machine learning (with a focus on deep learning) and multimodal social signal processing. Candidates are expected to have outstanding academic credentials with an earned doctorate in computer science or a closely related field; a solid record of research; and excellent communication and team skills.

The opening is for a Research Scientist in nonverbal behavior understanding (with the opportunity to become Research Assistant Professor in USC's Computer Science Department, if the candidate is so inclined). The position is an opportunity to help shape the direction of nonverbal research at ICT's virtual human's group. The successful candidate will work directly with Jonathan Gratch<http://people.ict.usc.edu/~gratch/> (Director of Virtual Human Research) and Stefan Scherer<http://ict.usc.edu/profile/stefan-scherer/> to develop their own research agenda related to human nonverbal behavior understanding and analysis. An official job announcement and online application will be available in the near future (at https://usccareers.usc.edu/).  Please contact Jonathan Gratch (gratch at ict.usc.edu<mailto:gratch at ict.usc.edu>) or Stefan Scherer (scherer at ict.usc.edu<mailto:scherer at ict.usc.edu>) to express interest or request additional information about the position.

ICT (http://ict.usc.edu/) is a leader in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, emotion and social behavior research. The position provides opportunities to leverage ICT's broad research strengths including David Traum's Natural Language group, Skip Rizzo's Medical VR group, Hao Li's Graphics Lab, the Mixed Reality Lab, and USC's Center for Body Computing. The ideal candidate would be able to start as early as spring semester of 2018, but the position will remain open until it is filled.

Sincerely,  Jon Gratch

Jonathan Gratch                                       | www.ict.usc.edu/~gratch<http://www.ict.usc.edu/~gratch>
Director, Research Professor of CS and Psych          | Phone:  (310) 448-0306
USC Institute for Creative Technologies               | Fax:    (310) 301-5009
12015 Waterfront Drive Playa Vista, CA 90094          |                                                      |
Associate Editor, Emotion Review                      |
Associate Editor, JAAMAS                              |
Founding-EIC IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | www.computer.org/tac/<http://www.computer.org/tac/>
President-Emeritus, AAAC                              | http://emotion-research.net/
AAAI and CogSCI Fellow                                |

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