[iva] CfP IVA '22 : 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (Algarve, Portugal)

Carlos Martinho carlos.martinho at tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Fri Jan 21 17:45:21 CET 2022

                   (apologies for any cross-posting)
    (please forward this e-mail to potentially interested parties)

                   22nd ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
                     on INTELLIGENT VIRTUAL AGENTS
                 University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
                        September 6th-9th, 2022

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

The Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier
international event for interdisciplinary research on the design,
application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a
specific focus on the ability to socially interact. IVAs are
interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities including
communicating using natural human modalities such as facial
expressions, speech, and gesture.

IVA 2022 aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the design,
application, and evaluation of IVAs, as well as the basic research
underlying the technology that supports human-agent interaction such as
social perception, dialog modeling, and social behavior planning. This
year, we particularly encourage submissions exploring the challenges of
developing, authoring, and deploying multi-IVA reusable environments
targeted both at expert and non-expert users.

IVA 2022 offers three submission tracks: Full Papers (7 pages + 1
additional page for references), Extended Abstracts (2 pages + 1
additional page for references), and Demos (2 pages + 1 additional page
for references, a hyperlink to a video of the demo must be present in
the pdf). We welcome and encourage the submission of early results and
work in progress as Extended Abstracts.

All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by a group of
external expert reviewers. All accepted submissions will be published
in the ACM proceedings. Accepted Full Papers and selected Extended
Abstracts will be included in moderated panel sessions, spread out
across the conference week. For each accepted contribution, at least
one of the authors must register for the conference.

During the IVA submission process for full papers, extended abstracts,
and demos, the authors will be given the opportunity to comment on the
initial reviews written on their submissions, during a rebuttal period.
The main purpose of the rebuttal period is to help the program
committee to improve the quality and accuracy of the reviewing and
decision process, by having the author point out potential omissions
and mistakes (both conceptual and technical) in the reviews.

IVA 2022 will also feature workshops, the GALA event, and Doctoral
Consortium. Please visit the website
(https://ivaconference2022.ualg.pt/) for more details and updates.

IMPORTANT DATES (anywhere on earth)
All Paper submissionde deadline.............  May   2
Review notification, rebuttal period starts. June  13
Rebuttal period ends........................ June  20
Notification of acceptance.................. June  27
Camera ready................................ July  18
Conference....................... September 6-9, 2022



IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not
limited to:

- Cognition
- Emotion (including personality and cultural differences)
- Socially communicative behavior (e.g., of emotions, personality
- Conversational behavior
- Social perception
- Machine learning approaches to agent modeling
- Approaches to realizing adaptive behavior
- Models informed by theoretical and empirical research from psychology

- Verbal and nonverbal behavior coordination
- Face-to-face communication skills
- Engagement
- Managing co-presence and interpersonal relation
- Multi-party interaction
- Data-driven multimodal modeling

- Design criteria and design methodologies
- Engineering of real-time human-agent interaction
- Standards / measures to support interoperability
- Portability and reuse
- Specialized tools, toolkits, and toolchains
- Evaluation methods and studies:
- Evaluation methodologies and user studies
- Ethical considerations and societal impact
- Applicable lessons across fields (e.g. between robotics and virtual
- Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior

- Applications in education, skills training, health, counseling,
games, art, etc.
- Virtual agents in games and simulations
- Social agents as tools in psychology
- Migration between platforms

Developing, Authoring, and Deploying Multi-IVA Environments

Intelligent Virtual Agents, whether virtually or physically embodied,
is a technology that has an enormous potential in a myriad of
applications including tutoring, entertainment, medicine, and
educational games. Research advances in how they perceive the
environment, reason and decide how to interact with other agents and
humans have powered the creation of IVAs that act in an autonomous and
socially intelligent way. Challenges exist in creating technology that
can be reused and easily deployed in the most diverse contexts and
applications by expert and non-expert users, with minimal authoring
effort, allowing the author to focus only on the purpose of the IVA.
IVA 2022 welcomes researchers and developers across disciplines to
share their work on the challenges of developing, authoring, and
deploying Multi-IVA Environments.


- FULL PAPERS (7 pages + 1 additional page for references):
Full papers should present significant, novel, and substantial work of
high quality that needs proceedings space to explain and replicate the

- EXTENDED ABSTRACTS (2 pages + 1 additional page for references):
Extended abstracts should either discuss the relevance for IVA of
recently published important work by the authors, or early results, or
standard studies and approaches that do not need significant
proceedings space to explain and replicate.

- DEMOS (2 pages + 1 additional page for references, a hyperlink to a
video of the demo must be present in the pdf):
Demo abstracts focus on demo-ability and application of an implemented
system. Each demo should be accompanied by one demo submission.

Supplementary material:

IVA 2022 does not contemplate the upload of supplementary material. If
necessary to direct readers to supplemental data, we encourage authors
to host such material in a public repository and add a link to it in
the paper.


Paper submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the “ACM
Standard” format, more specifically the “SigConf” format.

- The LaTeX template for the “ACM Standard”/”SigConf” format can be
found inside the official 2021 ACM Master article template package.
Please use the most recent version available at:

- The “ACM Standard” Microsoft Word template is currently not part of
the downloadable package as the ACM is currently revising it to improve
accessibility of resulting PDF-documents. Please use the “Interim Word
Template” instead as per the instructions in:

Please visit the website (https://ivaconference2022.ualg.pt/) for more
details and updates.

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