[iva] [jobs] Funded PhD Position: Human-in-the-Loop Design and Automation for Social Robotics - Uppsala University Sweden

Katie Winkle katie.winkle at it.uu.se
Tue Jan 25 12:15:06 CET 2022

Dear All,

We have a funded position available for a new PhD student to help us kick off new lines of research around trustworthy Human Robot Interaction (HRI) and Socially Assistive Robotics at the Uppsala Social Robotics Lab: https://usr-lab.github.io/

The overall aim of the PhD project is to increase diversity in who is developing social robots: think participatory design, and human-in-the-loop development/automation methods) and/or what those social robots 'look like' (think mindful and norm-breaking use of anthropomorphic social identity traits, or lack thereof e.g. with regards to gender) and to explore how this can create better HRI.

As such, there is lots of scope to shape the project depending on the candidate's interest (e.g. more towards human-in-the-loop ML approaches or more towards HRI design and evaluation) but we are ideally looking for someone with good programming skills - a computer science background or e.g. Human Computer Interaction or Interaction Design who would be confident programming robots. The work will be very interdisciplinary so interests in e.g. the social sciences, AI ethics, STS and psychology would be appreciated.  Find the official advert here: https://uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=467899

The PhD project will be supervised by myself, Katie Winkle (main supervisor) and Ginevra Castellano. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions at katie.winkle at it.uu.se<mailto:katie.winkle at it.uu.se>

PhD student in Human-in-the-Loop Design and Automation for Social Robotics - Uppsala University, Sweden<https://uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=467899>
PhD student in Human-in-the-Loop Design and Automation for Social Robotics, Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University

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