[iva] HRI '22 Workshop on Theory for Human-Robot Interaction - EXTENDED deadline

patrícia alves-oliveira patri at uw.edu
Wed Feb 2 03:28:04 CET 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to share that we extended the submission deadline for
the half-day online workshop “Theory-Grounded Human-Robot Interaction
(THEORIA)” that will be held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE International
Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’22). Please find the description
and important information below.

*Submission deadline (11:59pm, AoE): February 1st, 2022 ***February 11th,
2022 EXTENDED***
*Notification: February 21st, 2022
*Workshop day (online): March 7th, 2022.

The aim of our highly interactive workshop is two-fold:

1. We wish to explore various questions and perspectives on the role of
theory and theorizing in HRI.  We aim to engage the HRI community in
discussions and knowledge exchange about how to create a theory, improve an
existing one, or how to evaluate the quality of a theory.

2. We wish to bring people in the HRI community together around the theme
of “theory-grounded HRI” to foster long-term networking opportunities and
collaboration as people will get to know who else are interested in more
theory-driven HRI research.

By participating in our workshop, you will therefore be able to engage in
critical dialogue about theory and theorizing in HRI, expand upon and
discuss different understandings and applications of theoretical knowledge
in your own work and others, and make new connections for research

If you are interested in exploring and learning more about the role of
theory and theorizing in HRI, please join us in the discussion about topics
including, but not limited to:
*How to derive theory from data do develop HRI theory
*How to create theory-driven HRI studies
*How to understand the relationship between theory and empirical work to
improve HRI study designs
*How to understand and apply theories from different disciplines to address
knowledge gaps in HRI
*What can be considered the state of the art for theory/theorizing in HRI
*How to identify different candidates for “theories” resulting from HRI work
*What the value of, and justification is for theory and theorizing in HRI

A better understanding of theory and theorizing in HRI is not only needed
to better support and improve study designs, but is also necessary for
better facilitation of interdisciplinary collaboration. For more detailed
description of our workshop, please visit our website:

If you like to participate in our workshop, you are required to submit as a
PDF file:

*A personal statement up to 500 words explaining your background and why
you want to attend this workshop. Any layout can be used.
*A 2-4 page position paper (including references) using the regular
conference template, found at:
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. An example of a
general topic could be “why is theory beneficial to HRI?” but we encourage
participants to explore positions relevant to any of the workshop topics
outlined above.

Both types of submissions do not have to be anonymized, and will undergo a
light review by the workshop organizing team. Please submit your personal
statement or position paper to the THEORIA organizing team via email:
theoria.hri at gmail.com

Since the workshop is focused on providing a highly interactive venue for
discussion and knowledge exchange where submissions will not be archived,
work already used for publications or other conferences are welcome.
Nevertheless, based on the results from the workshop discussions we are
planning for a special issue with a high-profile HRI journal to provide a
publication venue for the participants aiming to contribute to the
development of “theory-grounded HRI” (find on our workshop website more
details and updates).

Do not hesitate to contact the THEORIA organizing team via email for any
questions or further information. We are looking forward to receiving your

Kind regards,
the THEORIA organizing team
theoria.hri at gmail.com

Glenda Hannibal, MA (TU Wien)
Nick Rabb, BA (Tufts University)
Theresa Law, BA (Tufts University)
Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, PhD (University of Washington)
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