[iva] CFP: Speech and language in health special session at Interspeech 2022

Nicholas Cummins nicholas.cummins at ieee.org
Thu Feb 3 19:21:16 CET 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the “Speech and language in health: from remote
monitoring to medical conversations” special session to be run at
Interspeech 2022, in September 2022 in Incheon Korea. For more information,
please see https://sites.google.com/view/splang-health-interspeech2022/home.

*Call for Papers:*

Technological advancements have been rapidly transforming healthcare in the
last several years, with speech and language tools playing an integral
role. However, this brings a multitude of unique challenges to consider to
increase the generalisability, reliability, interpretability and utility of
speech and language tools in healthcare and health research settings.

Many of these challenges are common to the two themes of this special
session. The first theme, *From**Collection and Analysis to Clinical
Translation*, seeks to draw attention to all aspects of speech-health
studies that affect the overall quality and reliability of any analysis
undertaken on the data and thus affect user acceptance and clinical

The second theme, *Language Technology For Medical Conversations*, covers a
growing field of research in which automatic speech recognition and natural
language processing tools are combined to automatically transcribe and
interpret clinician-patient conversations and generate subsequent medical

By combining these themes, this session will bring the wider speech-health
community together to discuss innovative ideas, challenges and
opportunities for utilizing speech technologies within the scope of
healthcare applications.

Suggested paper topics include, but are not limited to:

   - Data collection protocols and speech elicitation strategies
   - Device selection and related effects
   - Acceptance of data collection in different health cohorts
   - Longitudinal data collection and analysis
   - Patient and Public Involvement in speech research
   - User evaluation of speech technology in a healthcare setting
   - Feature extraction and novel representations that provide clinical
   - Advancements in analytics and machine learning methodologies that are
   clinically or biologically inspired
   - Fusion of linguistic and paralinguistic information
   - Health-related conversational analytics
   - Speech recognition and natural language processing in healthcare
   - Creation and annotation of medical conversation datasets
   - Role of medical conversation understanding in reducing documentation
   - Use of chatbots in healthcare
   - Spoken language technologies in real-world health settings
   - Utilising Electronic Health Records to personalise models in speech
   recognition or conversational analytics

*Key Dates *(*As per Interspeech 2022*)

   - Paper submission: March 21, 2022
   - Paper Updates Deadline: March 28, 2022
   - Author notification: June 13, 2022
   - Camera-ready paper submission: June 23, 2022
   - Special Session day: TBA

*Information for Authors*

Submissions will be via the START V2 system and should follow the
Interspeech 2022 template, more information can be found at the Interspeech


Please share this message with any interested colleagues.

With many thanks and best wishes,

   - Nicholas Cummins (Kings's College London and Thymia)
   - Thomas Schaaf (3M)
   - Heidi Christensen (University of Sheffield)
   - Judith Dineley (King’s College London and University of Augsburg)
   - Julien Epps (University of New South Wales)
   - Matt Gormley (Carnegie Mellon University)
   - Sandeep Konam (Abridge.ai)
   - Emily Mower Provost (University of Michigan)
   - Chaitanya Shivade (Amazon.com)
   - Thomas Quatieri (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)


Dr. Nicholas Cummins
Lecturer in AI for Speech Analysis for Healthcare
Department of Biostatistics & Health Informatics

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
King's College London
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