[iva] PhD position in Human-Robot Interaction and Social Decision Making at KTH

Gabriel Skantze skantze at kth.se
Mon Feb 21 09:41:28 CET 2022

PhD position in Human-Robot Interaction and Social Decision Making at KTH

We are looking for a PhD student that will work in a newly funded project
called "Relying on a Robot - How Agency and Anthropomorphism in
Human-Centered AI Affects Social Decision Making". The project is led by
Prof. Gabriel Skantze at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, in
collaboration with researchers from Stockholm University and Stockholm
School of Economics. The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to
investigate how human-like traits (agency and anthropomorphism) in social
robots and AI affect how humans interact with the technology, with respect
to psychological and social factors critical for social decision making,
including trust, reciprocity and honesty. To study this, we will develop a
novel set of experimental paradigms, influenced by economic games used in
behavioral economics.

For more information about the position and how to apply, see

Application deadline is April 1.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Gabriel Skantze (
skantze at kth.se)


Gabriel Skantze

Professor in Speech Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

+46 733266669

skantze at kth.se

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