[iva] 2. CfP: Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop at LREC2022

Ingo Siegert ingo.siegert at ovgu.de
Mon Mar 14 10:32:27 CET 2022

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*Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop*

*at LREC 2022, June 24 Marseille, France*

*https://legal2022.mobileds.de* <https://legal2022.mobileds.de/>

*Call for extended Abstracts*

Ethics and Legal Issues are topics that have long been addressed at 
LREC. This year, to better respond to the needs of the international 
language resources community, a single workshop will aim at tackling 
Legal and Ethical Issues in Language Resources with a particular focus 
on trying to build bridges between legality and technology.

The scope of the Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop spans the entire 
processing pipeline from resource collection and annotation to system 
development and applications within Artificial Intelligence and Machine 
Learning. The workshop will include expert presentations on the recent 
changes in the legal framework concerning Language Resources. In 
addition, updates from research infrastructures in the EU and US are 
expected as well as original research by lawyers and scholars working in 
the field of language technology.

*Important Dates/Deadlines*


    *Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: *8 April 2022


    *Notification of acceptance: *3 Mai 2022


    *Submission of final version of accepted papers: *20 Mai 2022

*What to Submit*

1500-2000 words extended abstracts (by 8 April 2022) are needed at first 
for submission. The full papers will be published as workshop 
proceedings along with the LREC main conference by ELRA. For these, the 
instructions of LREC need to be followed, see https://legal2022.mobileds.de

*Suggested Topics*

The LEGAL Workshop invites empirical and conceptual papers including, 
but not limited to:


    Privacy and data protection


    Ethics in multi-modal, sensorial data collection


    Ethics in annotation (crowd-sourced) of private data


    Copyright and other intellectual property rights


    Public Sector Information


    Open Science Policies


    Industry 4.0 and Language ResourcesTechnologies



    Legal and technical Issues around anonymisation & pseudonomization


    Transparency and explicability in Machine Learning


    Ethics in Affective, Behavioral, and Social Computing


    Nudging and manipulation with machines


    Human-machine interaction for vulnerable populations


    Freedom of information

*Workshop Organizers*

  * Ingo Siegert, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  * Khalid Choukri, ELRA/ELDA, France
  * Mickaël Rigault, ELRA/ELDA, France
  * Andreas Nautsch, ISCA SIG SPSC
  * Pawel Kamocki, IDS Mannheim, Germany
  * Andreas Witt, IDS Mannheim, Germany
  * Krister Linden, University of Helsinky, Finland
  * Claudia Cevenini, University of Bologna, Italy


Please feel free to reach out for questions and details to our email 
addresses (see CFP).

Kindest regards,

Ingo Siegert

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Siegert
FEIT IIKT-Mobile Dialog Systems
Building 03, Room 323
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg Germany
Phone: +49 391 - 67 50060
E-mail:ingo.siegert at ovgu.de
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