[iva] Call for participation - The 3:rd International Furhat Conference on Social Robotics

Jonas Beskow jonas at furhatrobotics.com
Fri Apr 8 11:54:00 CEST 2022

International Furhat Conference on Social Robotics
Tuesday 17th May 2022
9am PT, 12pm ET, 6pm CEST
https://furhatrobotics.com/furhat-conference-spring-2022/ <https://furhatrobotics.com/furhat-conference-spring-2022/>
On behalf of the Furhat team, I am very happy to share the news that the International Furhat Conference series is returning for a third edition - this time with a twist. Since the acquisition of Misty Robotics <https://www.mistyrobotics.com/>, we have been exploring how the Misty robot is being used across the research and innovation landscape. So this year, not only will you get to hear from experts in the field who are performing groundbreaking research with the Furhat platform, you will also learn from scientists and innovators who are utilizing Misty in the same space. 

The conference agenda can be seen here <https://furhatrobotics.com/furhat-conference-spring-2022/#agenda>. Returning virtually, this spring's speaker lineup includes:
Alessandro Vinciarelli <https://vinciarelli.net/> (University of Glasgow, Scotland): Social Intelligence in Machines, Why and How
Axel Reitzig <https://www.linkedin.com/in/areitzig/> (St. Vrain Valley School District, USA): Leveraging the Power of Social Robots to Advance Public Education
Catherine Pelachaud <http://chronos.isir.upmc.fr/~pelachaud/index.php> (Sorbonne University, France): Interacting with Socially Interactive Agents
Bilge Mutlu <http://bilgemutlu.com/> (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA): Taking Social Robots Out of the Lab and Onto the Road
Morgan Bell <https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgan-bell-7731234/> (Furhat Robotics, USA) and Samer Al Moubayed <https://www.linkedin.com/in/samer-al-moubayed-601a679/> (Furhat Robotics, Sweden): A new era for the world of social robotics
Registration for the conference is free and now open <https://furhatrobotics.com/furhat-conference-spring-2022/#register>. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Jonas Beskow, co-founder
jonas at furhatrobotics.com

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