[iva] call for BID for ACM IVA 2023

Catherine PELACHAUD catherine.pelachaud at sorbonne-universite.fr
Fri Apr 15 20:22:05 CEST 2022

BID for ACM IVA 2023

ACM Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier 
international event for interdisciplinary research on the design, 
application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a 
specific focus on the ability to socially interact. The 22^nd 
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents will be held in 
presence September 6^th – 9^th 2022, organized by University of Algarve:

https://ivaconference2022.ualg.pt/ <https://ivaconference2022.ualg.pt/>

IVAs are interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities 
including communicating using natural human modalities such as facial 
expressions, speech and gesture. IVAs are also capable of real-time 
perception, cognition, emotion and action that allows them to 
participate in dynamic social situations.

We are calling for bid to organize the next conference in 2023.

Interested groups should prepare an application made of:

-Conference location: description of the conference site and nearby 
accommodations; description of public transportation and access from 
nearby airports

-Conference organization: description of the organizing committees; 
conference dates that fit best to avoid conflict with other conferences

-Conference budget: estimation of the budget with different number of 

-Special topic for IVA 2023

The deadline to submit applications is: June 30^th 2022

Applications should be sent to:

·Catherine Pelachaud catherine.pelachaud at upmc.fr 
<mailto:catherine.pelachaud at upmc.fr>

·Stefan Kopp skopp at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de 
<mailto:skopp at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de>

·Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson hannes at ru.is

Notification of acceptance will be announced at IVA2022.
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