[iva] 2nd Call for Papers: INTERSPEECH SATELLITE SPSC Symposium 2022

Ingo Siegert ingo.siegert at ovgu.de
Tue May 17 20:41:47 CEST 2022

      2ndSymposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication joint
      with 2ndVoicePrivacy Challenge Workshop


https://symposium2022.spsc-sig.org/ <https://symposium2022.spsc-sig.org/>

Call for papers

The second edition of the Symposium on Security & Privacy in Speech 
Communication, this year combined with the 2nd VoicePrivacy Challenge 
Workshop, focuses on Speech and voice through which we express 
ourselves. As speech communication can be used to command virtual 
assistants to transport emotion or to identify oneself, the symposium 
tries to give answers to the question on how we can strengthen security 
and privacy for speech representation types in user-centric 
human/machine interaction? The symposium therefore sees that 
interdisciplinary exchange is in high demand and aims to bring together 
researchers and practitioners across multiple disciplines – more 
specifically: signal processing, cryptography, security, human-computer 
interaction, law and anthropology,

The SPSC Symposium addresses interdisciplinary topics.

For more details, 

Important dates


    June 15, Long paper submission deadline (up to 8 pages excl. references)


    June 15, VoicePrivacy Challenge paper submission deadline (4 to 6
    pages excl. references)


    June 15, Short papers submission deadline (up to 4 pages incl.


    July 1, Author notification


    July 31, VoicePrivacy Challenge results and system description
    update deadline


    September 5, Final paper submission


    September 23-24, SPSC Symposium at the National University Incheon,

Topics of interest


    Speech Communication on the sense of security and privacy


    Cybersecurity for speech processing


    Machine Learning to increase security and privacy


    Natural Language Processing and privacy


    Human-Computer Interfaces (Speech as Medium)


    Ethics & Law


    Digital Humanities

We welcome contributions on related topics, as well as progress reports, 
project disseminations, or theoretical discussions and “work in 
progress”.  There also is a dedicated PhD track. In addition, guests 
from academia, industry and public institutions as well as interested 
students are welcome to attend the conference without having to make 
their own contribution. All accepted submissions will appear in the 
conference proceedings published in ISCA Archive.


Papers intended for the SPSC Symposium should be up to eight pages of 
text. The length should be chosen appropriately to present the topic to 
an interdisciplinary community. Paper submissions must conform to the 
format defined in the paper preparation guidelines and as detailed in 
theauthor’s kit 
<https://interspeech2022.org/files/IS2022_paper_kit.zip>. Papers must be 
submitted via the online paper submission system. The working language 
of the conference is English, and papers must be written in English.


At least three single-blind reviews are provided, and we aim to obtain 
feedback from interdisciplinary experts for each submission. For 
VoicePrivacy Challenge contributions, the review will be focused on the 
systems’ descriptions and the results.


Ingo Siegert

On behalf of theorganizational committee 


Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Siegert
FEIT IIKT-Mobile Dialog Systems
Building 03, Room 323
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg Germany
Phone: +49 391 - 67 50060
E-mail:ingo.siegert at ovgu.de
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