[iva] Special track: Games and social simulation @ Social Simulation Conference 2022

Melania Borit melania.borit at uit.no
Fri May 20 14:21:24 CEST 2022

***Apologies for cross-posting.***

Dear colleagues,

If you are working with games (role-playing games, analogue games, video games etc.) and social simulation, please consider submitting your research (extended abstracts, full papers, demos/walkthroughs) to the special track “Games and social simulation”, which is described below the signature and is to be organized during the Social Simulation Conference 2022<https://ssc2022.behavelab.org/>, 12-16.09, Milan, Italy (hybrid).

Important dates: https://ssc2022.behavelab.org/submissions/

All the best,

Melania, Timo, and Harko.

Melania Borit, Ph.D.

Associate professor,
Leader Research Group CRAFT<https://uit.no/research/craft> – Knowledge Integration and Blue Futures

Norwegian College of Fishery Science,
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics,
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø),
Tromsø, Norway.

E-mail: melania.borit at uit.no<mailto:melania.borit at uit.no>
Web: uit.no/melania.borit<http://uit.no/ansatte/organisasjon/ansatte/person?p_document_id=139029&p_dimension_id=88166>

Title of the special track: Social Simulation and Games

Organiser: ESSA<http://www.essa.eu.org/> Special Interest Group Social Simulation and Games<https://ss-sg.org/>

Session chairs:
Melania Borit, CRAFT Research Lab, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Timo Szczepanska, CRAFT Research Lab, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Harko Verhagen, Stockholm University, Sweden


This special track focuses on the interplay between social simulation and games. We wish to bring together researchers working on both fields to a crossroads at which synergies will be created between the two areas. (NB! The games domain is not the same with the game theory one.)

We welcome submissions of extended abstracts or full papers (more details here<https://ssc2022.behavelab.org/submissions/>) or demos / walkthroughs (description: max 500 words). In particular, we focus on the following topics:

* Game design. Which level of abstraction is chosen for a game that is intended to be combined with an agent-based model (ABM) in a research setup? Will it be close to a strict simulation or will it incorporate extensive metaphors? What are the factors based on which this choice is to be made? Which game elements / game mechanics are useful?
* Modelling the social situation. Which approach captures the situation with sufficient granularity? How should a choice be made to include specific theories and models that describe the situation? For example, using a data-driven methodology (regardless if it is qualitative or quantitative data), how can the steps be made from data to theory to application (and game mechanics)? For agent-based modelling, how can artificially intelligent agents be made that act according to a specified model?
* Example implementations. Stories of success and failure: which elements in a game that includes social interaction turn out to be useful and which are counter-productive to the game’s goal? Which elements of social simulations can be used in the design of games? How can the interplay between the game and the ABM be described? How can you document the games & ABM research design in a useful way?

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