[iva] ACM RecSys 2022 - Call for Demonstrations

acmrecsys at gmail.com acmrecsys at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 11:32:27 CEST 2022

* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CfP *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://recsys.acm.org/recsys22/call/demos *

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2022), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from September 18–23, 2022 in Seattle, WA, USA, with an inclusive format that accommodates remote attendance. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties concerned with recommendation. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.

Demos show implementations of novel, interesting, and important recommender systems’ concepts or applications. Allowing potential users to see and use a demo of a research work makes them excited about it – it makes the work real and tangible. Demos also allow researchers from academia and developers from small start-ups to large industries to present new recommender ideas and get valuable feedback from the recommender systems community.

We welcome new demonstrations of recommendation technologies coming from diverse communities ranging from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much about the human and economic impact of these systems as we care about their underlying algorithms.

The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting the research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions. RecSys has an excellent history of being well-attended by industry representatives — past conferences have had attendees and presenters from Netflix, Amazon, Booking, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Criteo, Pandora, Spotify, etc. The blend of industry and academic attention provides an excellent environment to demonstrate and discuss the latest inventions or ideas.

We invite demonstrations relevant to all aspects of recommender systems, including, but not limited to:

* Interaction techniques (preference elicitation interfaces, recommendation presentation, explanations, and more);
* Tools for development and analysis of recommender systems (design tools, evaluation systems, analytics tools);
* Innovative applications of recommender systems;
* Recommender user experiments;
* Recommender platforms.

Accepted demonstrations will be published in the conference proceedings as an extended abstract. Authors will also be required to present a poster of their work at the conference.

Also this year, a “Best Demo Award” will be recognized for the demonstration that provides outstanding contributions to the community.

As the main-track call for papers states, research papers that include a demo component might have a slot in the Demos track. Authors of research papers can use the submission form of the main track to express their interest to present the demo component of their work; in case of acceptance, they will be contacted by the Demos chairs, with no need to start a new demo submission. Authors of rejected papers that expressed their interest to present their demo component are invited to start a new submission process as a demo, following this call for demos.

Reviewers will evaluate demos based on their significance, originality, and contribution to the field. In view of the RecSys conference goal of advancing the field, reviewers are also asked to consider the replicability of the reported research. Sharing of data sets and code is encouraged and will be part of the review process. Given the mixed conference format, the audio and video quality of the accompanying screencast will be evaluated.

Demos that are out of scope, incomplete, or lack sufficient evidence to support the basic claims, may be rejected without full review.

The description of the demo must include the following:

* An overview of the algorithm or system that is the core of the demo, including citations to any publications that support the work.
* A discussion of the purpose and the novelty of the demo.
* A description of the required setup. If the system will feature an installable component (e.g., mobile app) or website for users to use throughout or after the conference, please mention this.
* A link to a narrated screen capture of your system in action, ideally a video. The maximum duration of screen capture is 10 minutes. (This section will be removed for the camera-ready version of accepted contributions but might be included in the virtual platform used to host the online part of the conference.)
* We also highly encourage any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub). Please, provide a link to the shared code in the extended abstract accompanying the demo.
* Submissions should report on a description of demo. The maximum length is 4 pages (excluding references) in the new single-column format.

All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Submissions must be submitted to PCS by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on July 5th, 2022.

In addition to these guidelines, the guidelines in the main-track call for papers apply for Formatting, Anonymity, Ethical Review for Human-Subjects Research, Originality, Plagiarism and Patenting. Please make sure that you have read and understood those.

RecSys 2022 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organise and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2022 implicitly confirms the following statements:

1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
2. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
3. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
4. I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference, either in person or through a conference-designated remote presentation option. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.

* Demo submission deadline: July 5th, 2022
* Demo notification: July 22nd, 2022
* Camera-ready demo summary deadline: July 29th, 2022

Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.

Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
Pigi Kouki, RelationalAI, USA
Tanu Mitra, University of Washington, USA
E-mail: demos2022 at recsys.acm.org

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