[iva] IVA 2022 INDUSTRY Track and Show - Extended deadline

Tiago Ribeiro tiago.ribeiro at soulmachines.com
Wed Jun 29 15:20:42 CEST 2022

 *The submission deadline for the IVA'22 Industry Track papers has been
extended to July 20th and the Industry Show to July 26th.*




at the 22nd ACM International Conference



University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal

September 6th-9th, 2022


[image: IVA22_Ind_flyer_extended.png]


The Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier
international event for interdisciplinary research on the design,
application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a
specific focus on the ability to socially interact. IVAs are interactive
characters that exhibit human-like qualities including communicating using
natural human modalities such as facial expressions, speech, and gesture.

The IVA’22 INDUSTRY TRACK aims at industry professionals who are interested
in publishing, showcasing and promoting the results of their work within
the academic community.

We aim at making IVA a venue where industry and academia can meet for the
benefit of both parties, by providing opportunities to communicate,
establish partnerships and collaborations. Companies and industry
professionals may also apply to the IVA’22 INDUSTRY SHOW to exhibit and
demonstrate their technology and products to the IVA attendees, and
additionally promote networking initiatives and establish partnerships with
academic individuals and institutions.

IMPORTANT DATES (anywhere on earth)


## Industry Track Papers

Submission Deadline ..................... July 1 July 20

Notification of Acceptance ............. July 22

Camera Ready .............................. July 25

## Industry Show Applications ...... July 8 July 26

Notification of Acceptance ............. Latest by August 1

Conference .................................... September 6-9, 2022



- Industry Track Papers
We expect submission of full-papers e.g. in the form of case studies, user
experience studies, product design, systems design, tools, technology and
techniques, common practices and lessons learned in relation to Intelligent
Virtual Agents. Papers targeting our special topic “Developing, Authoring,
and Deploying Multi-IVA Environments” are particularly welcome. Submitted
papers should be novel and will go through a competitive peer review
process. Types of papers, formatting and publication will be the same as
for research papers, allowing industry professionals to publicly establish
and promote their work as state of the art. Papers in the Industry Track
are distinct from the ones of the Research Tracks in that they aim at
real-world problems and possibly at very specific scopes, with additional
considerations for product life-cycle and end-user experience. The page
limit for Industry Track papers is 8 pages for full papers and 6 pages for
short papers. The reviewing criteria will be based on Relevance to the IVA
community, Novelty, Special Topic and Clarity. Accepted papers will be
presented at a dedicated session within the main conference schedule.

- Industry Show

We expect applications to participate in interactive sessions where
conference attendees may interact with industry professionals and with
demonstrations of their technology and products. Accepted applications will
have access to a presentation space at the venue where they may promote
their material, especially during a dedicated interactive session.
Submissions should briefly describe their technology or product, along with
the material and format that is expected to be presented at the Show, e.g.,
videos, printed materials, interactive demonstration, and if adequate, a
brief technical rider of the demonstration. Our goal is to accept as many
applications as possible. Applications will follow a screening process, as
acceptance may be subject to logistical constraints. Criteria for
acceptance will be Relevance to the IVA community, Maturity and soundness,
Open standards and/or availability to research. Applications to the
Industry Show should be 1 page long. Acceptance will be delivered as
applications are received and screened, following a first come first served
up to our logistical limitations. More details on logistics and the
interactive sessions will be provided further up.

Industry Track submissions and Show applications should be prepared in the
same “ACM Standard” format as the main research papers, more specifically
the “SigConf” format, and are not required to be anonymous. Authors may
submit to both the Industry Track Papers and apply to the Industry Show as
separate submissions. Each submission may include an optional video as
supplementary material to further support their submission or application.

To submit to the Industry Track or apply to the Industry Show, please visit
the following website. Both Track submissions and Show applications should
be performed under Industry Track.


iva22industry at easychair.org -------------------------------

Verónica Orvalho (Didimo & Faculdade de Ciências Universidade do Porto)

Tiago Ribeiro (Soul Machines)

Please visit the website (https://ivaconference2022.ualg.pt/) for more
details and feel free to reach out to the Industry Chairs for any

*Tiago Ribeiro*

*Autonomous Animation Senior Researcher Engineer*

*+64 27 340 5453*

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