[iva] ACM RecSys 2022 - Call for Student Volunteers

acmrecsys at gmail.com acmrecsys at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 10:34:40 CEST 2022

* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email *
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://recsys.acm.org/recsys22/volunteers/ *

RecSys 2022, the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of recommender systems. The conference will be held as a hybrid event, online and in Seattle, United States, from Sept. 18 – 23, 2022.

Student volunteers are essential to the success of the RecSys conference. In return for help at the conference, student volunteers receive a number of benefits, including free conference registration, access to social events and the opportunity to interact and network with top RecSys contributors and organizers. Being a student volunteer is a great way to network with the community.

Thanks to the hybrid format, we are looking for volunteers working either on-site or from home. Duties for on-site volunteers will include helping to set up and perform needed work during the conference, such as AV support, registration desk, poster and demo setup, break monitoring, etc. They will need to arrive before the evening of September 17th for the orientation and are expected to stay for the duration of the conference. Volunteers working from home will need to attend a training session before the conference. Their duties will include checking pre-recorded presentation videos and subtitles, contacting speakers and helping them test the online conference system, helping coordinate online meetings (for keynotes, paper sessions, poster sessions, and online social events), moderating Q&A, chat, and discussion boards throughout the conference, as well as answering attendees’ questions in the conference online help desk.

Student volunteers usually get to attend most of the sessions, even when working, so they will enjoy all the conference content and activities. Scheduled hours depend on the type of the volunteering activity, and will never exceed 20 working hours.

Volunteers must be undergraduate, masters, or PhD students during the 2022-2023 academic year. Students of all backgrounds who are interested in the topic of Recommender Systems, regardless of discipline, are encouraged to apply. You do not need to have a paper accepted to participate, but you will be responsible for funding your travel to and from the conference and your lodging. No previous student volunteer experience is required, but we are looking for enthusiastic and reliable people with fluency in English. Furthermore, we welcome applications from local and international (geographically diverse) students to ensure both flexibility in case of Covid-19 travel restrictions and high coverage of time zones.

Submit your application via the following form. The deadline for application is August 19, 2022.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the chairs.

We will aim to select students that represent our diverse and thriving community. That includes a mix of undergraduate and graduate students, a mix of genders, and a mix of volunteers with previous and without previous volunteering experiences. We are looking to have representation across geographical locations to represent our global audience.

Marcel Hauck, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Amifa Raj, Boise State University, USA
Andrés Segura-Tinoco, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

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