[iva] TWO Faculty posts in computational social interaction @ University of Glasgow

Rachael Jack Rachael.Jack at glasgow.ac.uk
Thu Oct 13 07:28:19 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues

*excuse any cross-posting*

We are delighted to announce TWO FACULTY POSTS (FT permanent, Full Professor/Associate Prof/Asst Prof) available in the Centre for Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (cSCAN) in the School of Neuroscience & Psychology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Deadline: 3 Jan 2023

We are particularly interested in internationally competitive interdisciplinary researchers using innovative approaches to the computational modelling of social perception, cognition, interaction, and/or communication, with a focus on dynamic signalling, dyadic interactions, and/or dialogue in human-human and/or human-agent interactions.

cSCAN members benefit from a wide variety of state-of-the-art techniques, technologies, and expertise within a lively and ambitious research-rich environment.

For more details, see our Twitter post<https://twitter.com/UofG_cSCAN/status/1580286382399836160?s=20&t=BCvNEo48dZyhMzCpAzt_4g> and job advert<https://t.co/SuoA6H22MU> or contact Prof Rachael Jack on rachael.jack at glasgow.ac.uk<mailto:rachael.jack at glasgow.ac.uk>.

Forwarding to any interested parties would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Prof. Rachael E. Jack, Ph.D.
Professor of Computational Social Cognition
School of Psychology & Neuroscience
University of Glasgow
Scotland, G12 8QB
+44 (0) 141 330 5087


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