[iva] Society for Affective Science 2023 Conference

Katie Hoemann khoemann at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 18:46:10 CET 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to you regarding the Society for Affective Science (SAS) and
its annual meeting, which will be held* in-person* *from Thursday, March 30
- Saturday, April 1, 2023 in Long Beach, California, USA. *

On behalf of the SAS membership and outreach committee, I encourage you and
your trainees to attend. SAS is an excellent venue for learning about
what’s new in affective science and presenting research. The
interdisciplinary nature of the program is also uniquely beneficial.

In the call for abstracts below, you will find highlights of the upcoming
meeting and opportunities for you and your trainees to submit abstracts for

Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope you will join us in
Long Beach, CA at the 2023 SAS meeting!

All the best,


Katie Hoemann, PhD (she/her)

Postdoctoral Fellow | Center for Social and Cultural Psychology | KU Leuven

katie.hoemann at kuleuven.be  <katie.hoemann at kuleuven.be>

*SAS 2023 Call for Abstracts - Submissions Open*

The Society for Affective Science (SAS) is delighted to open its call for
abstracts to be considered for the 2023 Annual Conference. The conference
will be held in an in-person format between *Thursday, March 30 – Saturday,
April 1, 2023* in Long Beach, California, USA. The conference will once
again feature Preconference sessions on Thursday, March 30th, 2023.

*We encourage submissions from authors at all career stages.*

There is no fee to submit an abstract. The conference registration fees
will be announced soon.

*Abstract Submissions – Main Conference*

 *Four submission types:*

·           *Poster: New Idea* - Showcasing a new research idea, complete
with planned experimental design(s) and analysis approach(es). Data are not
required, but pilot data for proof of concept are welcome. Work already
pre-registered in another platform is admissible. New theoretical
contributions are also welcome in this category.

·           *Poster: New Results* - Showcasing the latest findings in
affective science based on quantitative and/or qualitative data collected
and analyzed. We welcome and encourage preliminary work!

·           *Flash Talk* - Showcasing the latest findings based on
quantitative and/or qualitative data already collected and analyzed or new
theoretical contributions in affective science. Both junior and senior
researchers are eligible to deliver a flash talk.

·           *Symposium* - Set of talks providing an in-depth perspective on
individual research areas/topics within affective science. Sessions can be
comprised of 3 talks with a discussant or 4 talks. All symposia must be

*Advancing Interdisciplinary Science*

We welcome submissions from across all domains of affective science,
including anthropology, business, computer science, cultural studies,
economics, education, geography, history, integrative medicine, law,
linguistics, literature, neuroscience, philosophy, political science,
psychiatry, psychology, public health, sociology, theater, and more.


*Abstract Submissions - Preconference*

 This year, SAS is hosting 3 preconferences: Positive Emotions, Intergroup
Emotions, and Emotion Regulation on *Thursday, March 30, 2023*.

·           *Positive Emotions Preconference* will feature the latest
interdisciplinary research on positive affect. The day will explore a wide
range of research related to positive emotions in educational, clinical,
social, organizational, consumer, and cross-cultural contexts.
Additionally, the preconference will include an interactive poster session
and conclude with a final session on the future of positive emotion
research. *Flash talk and poster submission will be accepted.*

·           *Intergroup Emotions Preconference* will focus on the role of
emotions in political processes, including political polarization, voting,
collective action, political violence, and upholding democracy. With the
political turmoil that has risen in the last decade across the world,
understanding the impact that emotions have on political processes is
paramount. *Flash talk and poster submission will be accepted.*

·           *Emotion Regulation Preconference* will feature emotion
regulation research from various disciplines and topics, consider emotion
regulation from different perspectives, and share exciting new findings and
methods. It will feature a range of formats from short talks to panel
discussions to breakout groups. Our goal is to have fun, build connections
among those interested in emotion regulation (faculty, post-docs,
students), and share ideas about new directions in emotion regulation
research. *Invited talks only.*


*Submission Deadlines*

*Conference:* Abstracts must be submitted by *Monday, November 22, 2022 at
11:59 p.m. Baker Island Time* (BIT; UTC-12 — last time zone on earth) to be
considered for inclusion in the program.

*Preconference**:* Abstracts must be submitted by *Monday, January 16,
2023* *at
11:59 p.m. Baker Island Time *(BIT; UTC-12 — last time zone on earth) to be
considered for inclusion in the program.
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