[librecat-dev] Parallel Processing with Catmandu

aina at openmailbox.org aina at openmailbox.org
Sat Apr 30 10:54:35 CEST 2016

Dear Patrick,

we appreciate a lot blog posts like the below.

Could you please also suggest a way that one could say had only one 
processor available, or two, how she could load say for example five 
scripts in a row, and somehow have the next one run, when the previous 
has just ended?

Say we have an mrc, and we need to make a number of transformations, or 
reports out of it. So, each script has as input tis one mrc, but roduces 
separate output files. For example, catmandu script a, produces mrca, 
and scripta.log, script#2 produces mrc2, and script2.log, etc.

Thank you

On 2016-04-20 14:57, Patrick Hochstenbach wrote:
> As promised at our Berlin Workshop: here is the blog post
> https://librecatproject.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/parallel-processing-with-catmandu/
> Patrick
> Patrick Hochstenbach - digital architect
> University Library Ghent
> Sint-Hubertusstraat 8 - 9000 Ghent - Belgium
> patrick.hochstenbach at ugent.be
> +32 (0)9 264 7980
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