[librecat-dev] Catmandu::Importer::OAI fails to install on RedHat/Centos 7

"Dan Michael O. Heggø" d.m.heggo at ub.uio.no
Thu Dec 1 17:02:25 CET 2016


Note: This is an issue with a Catmandu dependency, not Catmandu itself, 
but I still post here to discuss the issue in case any of you have 
experience with it.

On RedHat 7, `cpanm Catmandu::Importer::OAI` fails to install HTTP::OAI 

http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/TIMBRODY/HTTP-OAI-4.03.tar.gz ... OK
Configuring HTTP-OAI-4.03 ... OK
Building and testing HTTP-OAI-4.03 ... FAIL
! Installing HTTP::OAI failed. See 
/path/to/.cpanm/work/1480606853.9733/build.log for details. Retry with 
--force to force install it.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'HTTP::OAI' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for Catmandu-OAI-0.02.

The information in the build.log is the same as reported here over a 
year ago:


but the issue doesn't seem to have gained any attention, and I'm 
probably not familar enough with Perl to successfully debug it. Have any 
of you run into it?

Since Centos 7 is listed on 
https://github.com/LibreCat/Catmandu/wiki/Installation#centos-7 , it 
seems like someone has been able to install it there.

On a box with Ubuntu the install went fine, but unfortunately I'm forced 
to use RedHat at work. The Docker image might save me.

Dan Michael O. Heggø
University of Oslo Library

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