[librecat-dev] how to have field remain in user after account save
Jonathan NORRIS
jnorris at ist.ac.at
Thu May 28 14:13:18 CEST 2020
Funnily enough it works both ways, if I keep the "cql=" part it works
the same as without it. Either way, the query doesn't work.
I have added some extra operators to the store yaml:
'all': true
'any': true
'=': true
'<>': true
field: "favorite_publications"
And now I can get data returned with this query: bin/librecat user list
But it still returns all users for: bin/librecat user list
IST Austria
On 5/28/20 13:08, Patrick Hochstenbach wrote:
> Hey
> The `cql=` is not correct. All the queries on the command line `list` are CQL queries by default. In theory this should be the query:
> bin/librecat user list ‘favorite_publications <> 0’
> Patrick
>> On 28 May 2020, at 12:54, Jonathan NORRIS <jnorris at ist.ac.at> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Thanks, I copied the existing read_only_fields hook and made a new one for my user fields. It worked like a charm!
>> I have another thing I am trying to figure out. I need a cql query to return me only users who have a value for my new field. I am storing a list of publication ids in the user object and the field is called 'favorite_publications'.
>> It looks like this in the user object yaml:
>> favorite_publications:
>> - 3853
>> - 3950
>> - 4118
>> Here is the field in store.yml:
>> user:
>> mapping:
>> properties:
>> favorite_publications: {type: text, analyzer: tag}
>> cql_mapping:
>> indexes:
>> favorite_publications:
>> op:
>> '<>': true
>> field: "favorite_publications"
>> I imagine the cql to be like: bin/librecat user list 'cql=favorite_publications<>0'
>> However this query returns me the full list of users rather than the one user which actually has a favorite_publications field.
>> Can you advise on how I could achieve what I am trying to do?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Jonathan
>> IST Austria
>> On 5/27/20 15:02, Patrick Hochstenbach wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> One way is using the LibreCat::Hook::read_only_fields
>>> Somewhere in your config/catmandu.local.yml define:
>>> hook:
>>> my_read_only_fields:
>>> - legacy_id
>>> And in your config/hooks.yml
>>> publication-update:
>>> before_fixes:
>>> - my_read_only_fields
>>> In this way the legacy_id fileds are kept in the original state when updating a record via the forms.
>>> Patrick
>>>> On 27 May 2020, at 10:34, Jonathan NORRIS <jnorris at ist.ac.at> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Is there a way to configure a field in store.yml to have it remain in an index document after saving the document via a form when there is no entry for that field in the form?
>>>> As in, say I have a new field in the user mapping in store.yml which is populated via some process somewhere in Librecat, but I don't have a form field for this in the user account form. Can I configure the field in store.yml so that it is not removed after I save the user via the user's account form?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jonathan
>>>> IST Austria
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