[librecat-dev] Processing multiple 700 (author) fields to PICA

Patrick Hochstenbach Patrick.Hochstenbach at UGent.be
Wed Dec 6 12:54:58 CET 2023


Please find in the attachment an updates fix for your case. I don't know the PICA format so you need to edit the Fix a bit to place the output of the 700 field in the correct PICA field.

The trick is that for MARC we have a special `do marc_each()` binding, that loops over every field in the MARC record and execute all the fixes in the `do` block.

With `marc_has` you can select to execute only the fixes if a marc field matches some tag. The rest is a bit copied from your code and making sure with force_new of pica_add that for every 700 field a new pica field gets created.



From: librecat-dev-bounces at lists.uni-bielefeld.de <librecat-dev-bounces at lists.uni-bielefeld.de> on behalf of Siebert, Dr. Martina <Martina.Siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de>
Sent: 05 December 2023 18:46
To: librecat-dev at lists.uni-bielefeld.de <librecat-dev at lists.uni-bielefeld.de>
Subject: [librecat-dev] Processing multiple 700 (author) fields to PICA


I have done “do list(path:…, var:…)” processing of multiple authors to PICA+ in the past. That time from XML and JSON sources. Now I got completely stuck when trying to do this from MARC 700 when keeping the family, personal name info :(

I attach an example record with a first (100) and two second authors/contributors (700).

For the first 100 author I did this (maybe more complicated than necessary ;)


## get authors etc.

# author


split_field(author1,', ')

# put authors etc.




I have tried the same with 700 guys but got lost in do list() loops and how to get the data in the correct order (first $d personal name then $a family name) into PICA+ 028C.

Can anyone help?




Dr. Martina Siebert

Ostasienabteilung | CrossAsia

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

martina.siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de<mailto:martina.siebert at sbb.spk-berlin.de>


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