[iva] ACII 2017 - Call for workshops - deadline February 24 (tomorrow!)
Poppe, R.W. (Ronald)
R.W.Poppe at uu.nl
Thu Feb 23 16:11:15 CET 2017
ACII 2017 - Call for Workshops
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
October 23-26, 2017 San Antonio, Texas
http://www.acii2017.org or follow us on Twitter @acii2017
Deadline for proposals: February 24!
Affective Computing aims at the study and development of systems and devices that use emotion, in particular in human computer and human robot interaction. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning computer science, psychology, and cognitive science. At the biennial gathering of the Association for the Advancement Of Affective Computing (AAAC), the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction conference, workshops are traditionally hosted that touch upon all aspects of affective computing. Examples include, Emotions in Games, Affective Brain Computer Interfaces, and Affective Touch.
This year, we particular invite workshops with an interdisciplinary or applied character evidenced by an organization committee consisting of multiple disciplines or involvement of industry. Workshops should focus on a central question in that interdisciplinary field. Further, we encourage workshop organizers to allow for considerable time for discussion and convergence, in addition to a solid set of papers. Proceedings for workshop papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. Workshop submission dates follow the dates as indicated at the bottom of this call. Mandatory this year will be a short workshop report to be presented at the main conference to allow dissemination of the workshop outcomes to a wider public.
What next?
Send your workshop proposal to both joost.broekens at gmail.com<mailto:joost.broekens at gmail.com> and bjoern.schuller at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:bjoern.schuller at imperial.ac.uk>. Please use the following format: max 2 A-4, use 10 or 11 point font size, with the following structure:
1. Title
2. Organizers and affiliations, and Workshop contact person
3. Extended abstract making the scientific case for the workshop (why, why now, why at ACII, expected outcomes, impact)
4. Advertisement (e.g. lists, confererences etc., and website hosting)
5. List of tentative and confirmed PC members (mention this status per PC member)
6. Expected number of submissions, planned acceptance rate, and paper length, review process.
7. Tentative/confirmed keynote speaker(s)
8. Length of the workshop (day or half-day)
9. List of related and previous workshops/conferences
10. Your publication plan (e.g., Special Issue, whether contact was made with the publisher already)
Your proposal needs to be send in no later than the mentioned deadline below to both workshop chairs of which email addresses are mentioned above. Proposals will be dealt with in a confidential manner and acceptance will be decided by the ACII 2017 Workshop Chairs and ACII 2017 Senior Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance are final.
Important dates
February 24, 2017: Workshop proposal submission deadline
March 17, 2017: Workshop acceptance notification
June 15, 2017: Workshop paper submission deadline
August 18, 2017: Camera ready papers due (same as main conference)
October 23, 2017: Date of workshops
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