[iva] [meetings] ICSR 2020 - **REVISED** CALL FOR WORKSHOPS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES - Deadline July 31

patrícia alves-oliveira patricialvesoliveira at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 16:19:33 CEST 2020


The 12th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020)

November 14-16, 2020

Golden, Colorado



ICSR is fully virtual and so we invite proposals for a broader-than-normal
range of online-based activities to be co-hosted with the conference.
Simple 2-page proposals outline key activity details due by *****31st
July**** to kw1600 at my.bristol.ac.uk.


You may have seen the news that ICSR 2020 is going to be fully virtual this
year and so we're really hoping to do something fresh with the workshop
provision and invite you to be as creative and open-minded as possible in
proposing workshops and/or other activities to be co-hosted with the
conference. These could include, for example:

    (i) traditional workshops/panels

    (ii) debates

    (iii) robot poetry slams

    (iv) science fiction discussions

or any other activities you might like to propose so long as the content is
appropriate and on topic.

The only key requirements are as follows:

    (i) workshop organizers must be able to host the events themselves
(e.g. via Zoom)

    (ii) a (recommended) maximum length of <4 hours to minimize zoom fatigue

so we really encourage you to be creative, and hope you might take this
opportunity to explore something new!

== Important Dates ==

    Proposal submission deadline: **July 31, 2020**

    Notification of acceptance: August 7, 2020

    Half page abstract and website URL Due: August 14, 2020

    Workshop date: November 14, 2020

    Conference: November 14-16, 2020

== Submission ==

Submissions should be PDF documents of no more than 2 pages (using the
Springer LCNS/LNAI template as for the main conference, full details and
templates at: https://sites.psu.edu/icsr2020/submission/) and should
outline the overall format and content of the proposed activity, but might
also include:

    1. Title

    2. Activity duration: half-day or full-day.

    3. Organizers: name and the affiliation of the members of your
organizing committee (Name, Affiliation, Email address).

    4. Activity description and objectives: a concise description of the
format, content, and objectives of the workshop.

    5. Intended audience and plans to solicit participation: describe the
intended audience, how you plan to solicit participation

        (i) ahead of the workshop to generate submission and

        (ii) within the workshop in encouraging discussions and exchanges
between participants.

    6. List of topics: a bulleted list of the topics of interest that will
be covered by the workshop.

    7. List of invited speakers: list any invited speakers (if applicable)

    8. Additional information: Any relevant information that could not be
captured by the previous sections (e.g. regarding previous workshop

Please send submissions to Workshop Chair Katie Winkle by email (
kw1600 at my.bristol.ac.uk).

Patrícia Alves-Oliveira
The Robot-Creativity Project
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