2020 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 4 00:54:02 CET 2020
Ending: Wed Dec 23 12:56:03 CET 2020
Messages: 320
- [iva] PhD Studentship on Real-time Visual and Haptic Feedback of Grasping Movements in Virtual Reality
Nadine Aburumman (Staff)
- [iva] PhD Studentship on Real-time Visual and Haptic Feedback of Grasping Movements in Virtual Reality
Nadine Aburumman (Staff)
- [iva] PhD Studentship on Real-time Visual and Haptic Feedback of Grasping Movements in Virtual Reality
Nadine Aburumman (Staff)
- [iva] Just a reminder: less than 15 days left to apply for fully funded PhD position in the field of Computer Graphics and Immersive Virtual Environments
Nadine Aburumman (Staff)
- [iva] Fully funded PhD position in the field of Computer Graphics and Immersive Virtual Environments (deadline Friday 26th June)
Nadine Aburumman (Staff)
- [iva] 5 PhD and 2 Postdoc open positions at CITIUS
- [iva] NL4XAI @ INLG2020 - Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI2020) - CFP
- [iva] CFP - Special Issue on Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children in the IJCCI
- [iva] CFP - Special Issue on Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children in the IJCCI
- [iva] NL4XAI @ INLG2020 - Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI2020) - CFP
- [iva] CFP - Special Issue on Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children in the IJCCI
- [iva] NL4XAI @ INLG2020 - Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI2020) - CFP
- [iva] European linguists! Travel funding to prepare for the 'human-machine era'
- [iva] Europeran travel funding to prepare for the 'human-machine era'
- [iva] PhD Studentship on Real-time Visual and Haptic Feedback of Grasping Movements in Virtual Reality
Nadine Aburumman
- [iva] Second Call for Papers: SIGdial 2020 Special Session on Situated Dialogue with Virtual Agents and Robots (RoboDial 2.0)
Aguas Lopes, Jose David
- [iva] Special Issue on Intelligent Signal Processing for Affective Computing
Elisabeth André
- [iva] CFP: 1st International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing for Health Care (ECHC2021)
- [iva] [Isvc_cfp] CFP: ISVC'20 (Visual Computing, San Diego, CA, Oct 5-7, 2020)
George Bebis
- [iva] 2 PhD positions in speech communication applied computer science in Bratislava, Slovakia, within EU’s Marie Currie scheme
Stefan Benus
- [iva] PhD Studentship -- AI for Virtual Reality-based First Response Training
Ulysses Bernardet
- [iva] Call for papers: Modeling Virtual Humans for Understanding the Mind
Ulysses Bernardet
- [iva] Deadline extension - Call for papers: Modeling Virtual Humans for Understanding the Mind
Ulysses Bernardet
- [iva] PhD student positions in machine learning, speech and social robotics at KTH
Jonas Beskow
- [iva] invitation to participate in an online study about virtual agents
Beatrice Biancardi
- [iva] Reminder: invitation to participate in an online study about virtual agents
Beatrice Biancardi
- [iva] open PhD position in social robotics at TU Delft
Catharine Oertel genannt Bierbach
- [iva] Participants Needed for Social Talk on Video Conferencing Corpus Collection
Anna Eliza Bleakley
- [iva] SocSimFesT 2021 Call for Session proposals
Melania Borit
- [iva] Three PhD positions on chatbots supporting a healthy lifestyle
Bosse, T. (Tibor)
- [iva] CFP: IJCNN Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Machine Learning for Biomedical Signal Processing"
Larbi Boubchir
- [iva] Phd & Post-doc positions at ILCB: approaching deadline
Nadera Bureau
- [iva] Fwd: Les cours (dé)confinés de l'ILCB - Modèles bayésiens de la cognition et du langage
Nadera Bureau
- [iva] Extended Application Deadline: Spring School on Situation Awareness in Cognitive Technologies 2020 in Rome
Ronald Böck
- [iva] CfP for Frontiers Reseach Topic: Group Analysis and Multi-Agent Interaction – Bridging the Gap between Social Investigations and Computational Analysis
Ronald Böck
- [iva] PhD Position in Human-Robot Interaction: Joint position between APSYS and Sorbonne University (EIT Digital Industrial Doctorate Programme)
- [iva] Call for post-doc applications in interactive machine learning and social robotics (Sorbonne University)
- [iva] Call for post-doc applications in interactive machine learning and social robotics (Sorbonne University)
- [iva] Two new positions in Social Dialogue for Conversational Agents at Inria Paris
Justine Cassell
- [iva] Fully funded PhD position in Explainable deep learning methods for human-human and human-robot interaction - Uppsala University
Ginevra Castellano
- [iva] Funded PhD position in data-driven socially assistive robotics at Uppsala University
Ginevra Castellano
- [iva] Call for Papers - ICSR 2020 Workshop on Child-Robot Interaction: Present and Future Relationships
Shruti Chandra
- [iva] Probability and Meaning Conference: 2nd Call for Papers
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
- [iva] Probability and Meaning Conference: Final Call for Papers
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
- [iva] Probability and Meaning Conference, Gothenburg, June 3-5: Deadline extension (Abstracts Feb 17, Final Versions Feb 21)
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
- [iva] Postdoctoral Researcher position, one or several, in Computational linguistics at the Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability, University of Gothenburg
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
- [iva] Call for Papes: Computing Semantics with Types, Frames and Related Structures (ESSLLI2020)
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
- [iva] 2nd CfP: CUI 2020 Full Papers & date change
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CUI 2020 Full Papers: Deadline 14th Feb (Papers in ACM DL)
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CUI 2020 Provocation Papers; Posters & Demos: Deadline 13th March (Papers in ACM DL)
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CUI 2020 Provocation Papers; Posters & Demos: Deadline 13th March (Papers in ACM DL)
Leigh Clark
- [iva] Deadline extension: CUI 2020 Provocation Papers; Posters & Demos: 20th March (Papers in ACM DL)
Leigh Clark
- [iva] 2nd Deadline extension: CUI 2020 Provocation Papers; Posters & Demos: 27th March (Papers in ACM DL)
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CUI at CSCW: Collaborating through Conversational User Interfaces at the ACM CSCW conference
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CfP: CUI at IUI 2021 workshop on Intelligent Conversational User Interfaces
Leigh Clark
- [iva] CFP - 10th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Valparaiso Chile
Francisco Cruz
- [iva] ICLD-EpiRob 2020 Journal Track - Call for Articles
Francisco Cruz
- [iva] ICLD-EpiRob 2020 Journal Track - Extended Deadline and COVID-19 Update
Francisco Cruz
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Workshops
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Workshops
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: 2nd Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Workshops Deadline Extension
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: 3rd Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: First Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Long and Short Papers - Deadline Extended
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - 1st Call for Contributions
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Second Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Final Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Final Call for Long and Short Papers
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - 2nd Call for Contributions
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Third Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Late-Breaking Results
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - 3rd Call for Contributions
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Last Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Second Call for Late-Breaking Results
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020 Doctoral Consortium - Deadline Extended to 10th Aug
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Call for Late-Breaking Results -- DEADLINE EXTENSION
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI-2020: Call for Participation
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] ICMI 2020: Final Call for Participation
Nicholas Cummins
- [iva] IEEE GC20 Workshop Proposal "Intelligent Fog and Edge Infrastructures for Future Wireless Systems"
- [iva] [job] PhD student in Intelligent virtual agent for health coaching (TUDelft The Netherlands)
Willem-Paul Brinkman - EWI
- [iva] PhD position in computerised health coaching - TU Delft - The Netherlands
Willem-Paul Brinkman - EWI
- [iva] Probability and Meaning conference [PaM 2020]
Adam Ek
- [iva] [meetings] Second CFP 2nd workshop on NLG for HRI
Mary Ellen Foster
- [iva] [jobs] Post-doc opportunity in Multimodal Analysis of Human Behaviour (27 months, Glasgow)
Mary Ellen Foster
- [iva] [jobs] APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED: Post-doc opportunity in Multimodal Analysis of Human Behaviour (27 months, Glasgow)
Mary Ellen Foster
- [iva] Full Professor position in Multimedia Information Processing in ADAPT at DCU
Emer Gilmartin
- [iva] postdoc position on NLG for HRI
Dimitra Gkatzia
- [iva] Symposium on Applied Perception, CFP
Grimm, Cindy
- [iva] [CfP] IEEE RO-MAN'20 workshop: Lifelong Learning for Long-term HRI
Hatice Gunes
- [iva] [meetings] Call for Participation: RO-MAN'2020 Workshop on Lifelong Learning for Long-term Human-Robot Interaction (LL4LHRI)
Hatice Gunes
- [iva] Fully Funded PhD positions in machine learning for conversational AI, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Joakim Gustafsson
- [iva] Fully Funded PhD positions in machine learning for conversational AI, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Joakim Gustafsson
- [iva] Fully-funded PhD studentships available at the Edinburgh Centre of Robotics
Hastie, Helen
- [iva] [meetings] Call for Papers for the “Metaphors for Human-Robot Interactions” Workshop at ICSR 2020 - Online
John Havens
- [iva] Jobs: Postdoc position at Inria Rennes (France): Character/Crowd Animation
Ludovic Hoyet
- [iva] DeepLearn 2020: early registration January 26
- [iva] AlCoB 2020: call for posters
- [iva] DeepLearn 2020: early registration February 25
- [iva] AlCoB 2020: call for posters
- [iva] DeepLearn 2020: early registration February 25
- [iva] SLSP 2020: 1st call for papers
- [iva] SLSP 2020: call for posters
- [iva] BigDat 2020 Autumn: early registration June 26
- [iva] TPNC 2020: 3rd call for papers
- [iva] DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration July 28
- [iva] BigDat 2020 Autumn: early registration July 20
- [iva] TPNC 2020: extended submission deadline August 1st
- [iva] SLSP 2020: call for posters
- [iva] DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration August 21
- [iva] BigDat 2021 Spring: early registration September 13
- [iva] TPNC 2020: call for posters
- [iva] SLSP 2020: call for posters
- [iva] DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration September 14
- [iva] LATA 2020 & 2021: 2nd call for papers
- [iva] BigDat 2021 Spring: early registration October 15
- [iva] DeepLearn 2021 Winter: early registration October 8
- [iva] BigDat 2021 Spring: early registration October 15
- [iva] LATA 2020 & 2021: extended submission deadline October 26
- [iva] TPNC 2020: call for posters
- [iva] AlCoB 2020 & 2021: 2nd call for papers
- [iva] BigDat 2021 Spring: early registration December 16
- [iva] DeepLearn 2021 Summer: early registration December 26
- [iva] AlCoB 2020 & 2021: 3rd call for papers
- [iva] 2nd call for Workshops, IVA2020
Workshops and demos IVA
- [iva] ISIC 2021 in Hybrid mode with Scopus Proceedings
- [iva] Postdoc position at U Glasgow - closing date 20 FEBRUARY 2020
Rachael Jack
- [iva] Transdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence (TransAI) 2020 conference
Mohsen Jafarzadeh
- [iva] [Deadline Approaching] Special Issue Fashion Recommender Systems Book
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] [Extended Deadline - 10 February 2020] Special Issue Fashion Recommender Systems Book
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] 2nd FashionXRecsys Workshop - ACM RecSys Conference - 26th September
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] 2nd FashionXRecsys Workshop - RecSys Conference - 26th September
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] 2nd FashionXRecsys Workshop - RecSys Conference - 26th September
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] [Deadline Approaching] 2nd FashionXRecsys Workshop - RecSys Conference - 26th September
Shatha Jaradat
- [iva] Call for Papers : March 2020 Volume 10 Number 01-International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA)
Ijesa Journal
- [iva] CFP: A Workshop in HRI 2021: Workshop YOUR Study Design!
Nihan Karatas
- [iva] HRI 2020 Call for Papers: Submission Deadline October 5
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] HRI 2020 Call for Tutorials & Workshops: Submission Deadline October 5
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] HRI 2021: 2nd Call For Papers, Deadline: Oct. 5
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] HRI 2021: 2nd Call For Tutorials & Workshops, Deadline: Oct. 5
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] Alt.HRI 2021: Call for Papers - Deadline: Nov. 30
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] HRI 2021 Student Design Competition: Calls for Paper - Deadline: Dec 10
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] Second CFP: Alt.HRI 2021: Submission deadline: Nov. 30
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] Second CFP: HRI 2021 Student Design Competition: Deadline Dec 10
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] CFP: HRI 2021 Late Breaking Reports / Videos / Demos: Deadline Dec 14
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] 2nd CFP: HRI 2021 Student Design Dec 10, Late Breaking Reports / Videos / Demos Dec 14
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] Final CFP: HRI 2021 Student Design Competition - Deadline: December 10
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] Last CFP: HRI 2021 Late Breaking Reports / Videos / Demos Deadline: Dec 14
Knight, Heather M
- [iva] CFP: ACM TiiS Special Issue on Conversational Agents for Healthcare and Wellbeing
Baki Kocaballi
- [iva] CFP: FG-2020 Affect Recognition in-the-wild: Uni/Multi-Modal Analysis Workshop
Kollias, Dimitrios
- [iva] ACM ICMI 2020 - (Virtual) Workshop - Challenges of Agent Identity in Multimodal Communication
Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos
- [iva] ACM ICMI 2020 - (Virtual) Workshop - Challenges of Agent Identity in Multimodal Communication
Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos
- [iva] HRI’20 Workshop: Mind reading and social attunement in human-robot interaction
Stefan Kopp
- [iva] Tenure Track position Computational Research in Communication and Cognition
E.J. Krahmer
- [iva] Two vacancies for PhD candidates to develop and evaluate conversational AI agents
E.J. Krahmer
- [iva] CfP: CUI at IUI 2021 workshop on Intelligent Conversational User Interfaces
Clark L.M.H.
- [iva] Final CfP: CUI at IUI 2021 workshop on Intelligent Conversational User Interfaces - EOIs required 23rd Dec
Clark L.M.H.
- [iva] Fully Funded PhD positions in Social Robotics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Iolanda Leite
- [iva] CFP: Frontiers Research Topic on Lifelong Learning and Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction
Iolanda Leite
- [iva] Call for Participation: Future Digileaders 2020
Iolanda Leite
- [iva] CFP: Persuasive 2021 (deadline extension)
Iolanda Leite
- [iva] multiple Research Engineer positions in NLP / Conversational AI
Oliver Lemon
- [iva] Call for Late-Breaking and Position Papers: SIGdial 2020 Special Session on Situated Dialogue with Virtual Agents and Robots (RoboDial 2.0)
José David Lopes
- [iva] Call for Papers - Persuasive 2021: The 16th International Conference on Persuasive Technology 2021
Birgit Lugrin
- [iva] Open Professorship in Human-Robot Interaction
Birgit Lugrin
- [iva] Offre de thèse en Informatique / Interaction Homme-Machine : e-Coaching personnalisé, motivationnel et adaptatif pour les activités physiques de patients lombalgiques (LIMSI-CNRS)
Jean-Claude MARTIN
- [iva] 2nd CfP : Workshop on Social Affective Multimodal Interaction for Health at the ICMI 2020 Conference **new deadline : 23 August, 2020.**
Jean-Claude MARTIN
- [iva] Request to Complete a Survey for Visual Focus of Attention Generation for Virtual Agents in Multiparty Interaction
Muhammad Usman Malik
- [iva] Request to Complete a Survey for Visual Focus of Attention Generation for Virtual Agents in Multiparty Interaction
Muhammad Usman Malik
- [iva] Interdisciplinary Openings in Social Interaction
Stacy Marsella
- [iva] 2nd Call for Papers: ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
Stacy Marsella
- [iva] [Meeting] 4th Summer School on Cognitive Robotics - Brisbane, Australia, 6-10 of July 2020
Moghadam, Peyman (Data61, Pullenvale)
- [iva] SIGDIAL 2020: Second Call for Papers
Smaranda Muresan
- [iva] SIGDIAL 2020: Final Call for Papers
Smaranda Muresan
- [iva] SIGDIAL 2020: Call for Participation (Free Registration)
Smaranda Muresan
- [iva] Opening for Assistant or Associate Professor in Social Robotics at TU Delft
Pradeep Murukannaiah
- [iva] Research on Facial Emotion Style and Conversational Agents
Soraia Musse
- [iva] SIGDIAL 2021: Call for Special Sessions
Mikio Nakano
- [iva] Call for bids: ICMI 2023
Yukiko Nakano
- [iva] CFP Deadline Extension - 10th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Valparaiso Chile
Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero
- [iva] CFP Deadline Extension – 10th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Valparaiso Chile
Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero
- [iva] CALL for APPLICATIONS: 1 year M.S. Program in NLP at UCSC Silicon Valley
Jay Noh
- [iva] SALENTO AVR 2020 - call for papers
Fabrizio Nunnari
- [iva] PhD fellowship - Gender and vocal alignment in speakers and robots - Sweden -France
Magalie Ochs
- [iva] PhD Position - Learning and Assessment of Public Speaking in Virtual Reality, Aix Marseille University, France
Magalie Ochs
- [iva] Two-year Post-doc. Position - Multimodal behavior analysis for persuasive virtual agent, Aix Marseille University, France
Magalie Ochs
- [iva] CfP - International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020)
Patrícia Alves Oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] CfP International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020)
Patrícia Alves Oliveira
- [iva] Cfp: Deadline Extended, Personalizing Persuasive Technologies (PPT 2020) Workshop @Persuasive Technology 2020
Rita Orji
- [iva] Final Call for Papers: Workshop on Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations, Bielefeld, 15-16 June 2020 - Deadline extension
- [iva] Council of Coaches Workshop
- [iva] ICMI Workshop on Social Affective Multimodal Interaction for Health
- [iva] call for bid - ACM IVA 2021
- [iva] 2nd CfP: ICMI 2020 (Virtual) Workshop on Modeling Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data in the Wild
Maike Paetzel
- [iva] ONION 2020 - peOple in laNguage, vsIOn and the miNd: 2nd CfP
Patrizia Paggio
- [iva] ONION 2020 - peOple in laNguage, vsIOn and the miNd: !! extended deadline !!
Patrizia Paggio
- [iva] Tenure-track assistant/associate professorship in Computational Cognitive Modelling and Natural Language Processing
Patrizia Paggio
- [iva] Tenure-track assistant/associate professorship in Computational Cognitive Modelling and Natural Language Processing
Patrizia Paggio
- [iva] Full-time PhD studentship on multimodal dialogue system for pair programming
- [iva] [CFP] RO-MAN 2020: Special Session on "Societal Consequences of Human-Robot Interaction"
Giulia Perugia
- [iva] [CFP] RO-MAN 2020: Special Session on "Societal Consequences of Human-Robot Interaction"
Giulia Perugia
- [iva] [CFP] RO-MAN 2020: Special Session on "Societal Consequences of Human-Robot Interaction"
Giulia Perugia
- [iva] Job Opportunity at Psychology, University of Glasgow
- [iva] Job Opportunity at cSCAN, INP, University of Glasgow
- [iva] [CfP] The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Nov, Sydney, Australia
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Nov, Sydney, Australia (in-cooperation with ACM)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [CfP] COVID UPDATE: The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Nov, Sydney, Australia (in-cooperation with ACM)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [CfP Extension] The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Virtual Conference (in-cooperation with ACM)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [meetings] Deadline approaching and COVID update - International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020) CfP
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [meetings] Call for POSTERS for the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [meetings] ICSR 2020 - FINAL EXTENSION CALL FOR WORKSHOPS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES - Deadline August 21st
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [meetings] Call for Participation and FINAL Call for Posters for the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] [meetings] Call for Participation, Technical Program available for for the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020)
DanielJohn REA
- [iva] Call for Book Proposals on Game Syllabi
- [iva] Two PhD Scholarships in Sydney - Cybersecurity ethics training simulations using values-based design
Deborah Richards
- [iva] PhD Scholarship in Sydney - Cybersecurity ethics training simulations using values-based design
Deborah Richards
- [iva] Faculty positions at Heriot-Watt University
Rieser, Verena
- [iva] 3 Research Associate positions in Conversational AI at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Verena Rieser
- [iva] 1st Safety for ConvAI Workshop (online)
Verena Rieser
- [iva] 1st Safety for ConvAI Workshop (online)
Verena Rieser
- [iva] Talking Robotics #1 - Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, University of Washington
Talking Robotics
- [iva] CfP HRI Workshop “The Forgotten in HRI: Incidental Encounters with Robots in Public Spaces”
Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid
- [iva] Deadline extended: CfP HRI Workshop “The Forgotten in HRI: Incidental Encounters with Robots in Public Spaces”
Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Astrid
- [iva] [journal][CFP] [EXTENDED DEADLINE] Special Issue of International Journal of Social Robotics - Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction Workshop
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp] RO-MAN 2020: Special Session on The role of mental models and privacy implications on trust in Human-Robot Interaction
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [cfp][conference] IEEE RO-MAN 2020 Workshop on Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp] Workshop "The human in the loop: perspectives and challenges for robots’ behaviours in Robocup 2050"
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp] Extended deadline for Workshop "Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction"
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp][journal] Special Issue based on IEEE RO-MAN 2020 "Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human Robot Interaction – SCRITA 2020"
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp] Call for Participation: The human in the loop: perspectives and challenges for robots' behaviours in RoboCup 2050
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [meeting][cfp] Extended deadline: The human in the loop: perspectives and challenges for robots' behaviours in RoboCup 2050
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [jobs] Multiple Postdoc position available at the University of Naples Federico II (IT)
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [journal][cfp]
Alessandra Rossi
- [iva] [journal][cfp] Special Issue based on IEEE RO-MAN 2020 "Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human Robot Interaction – SCRITA 2020"
Alessandra Rossi
Manuel J. Ruiz
- [iva] CFP: 7th Workshop on Games and Natural Language Processing
James Ryan
- [iva] [CfP] The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Nov, Sydney, Australia
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] [CfP] The 8th Int. Conf. Human-Agent Interaction, 10-13th Virtual Conference (in-cooperation with ACM) (Eduardo B. Sandoval)
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] [CFP] [meetings] The 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020) Virtual Conference [due to Covid-19] --- 10-13, November 2020
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] [CfP] Final Call for Papers. The 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020)
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] [CFP] Extension 22th June for full papers. HAI'20 Conference.
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] [CfP] Call for POSTERS for the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2020)
Eduardo Benitez Sandoval
- [iva] Invitation to join Virtual CUI 2020 ACM in-cooperation Conference on Conversational User Interfaces
Stephan Schlögl
- [iva] [CFP] Final Call - ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2020) (New Deadline)
Pedro Sequeira
- [iva] Call for Participation - ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2020)
Pedro Sequeira
- [iva] Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop @LREC 2020 Call for Papers
Ingo Siegert
- [iva] Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop @LREC 2020 2nd Call for Papers
Ingo Siegert
- [iva] Final Call: Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop @LREC 2020 Call for Papers
Ingo Siegert
- [iva] Call for participation in online survey and speech data donation
Ingo Siegert
- [iva] 2 PhD positions (ITN Cobra) on human-robot interaction with Furhat Robotics
Gabriel Skantze
- [iva] PhD position (ITN COBRA) on vocal alignment in speakers and robots
Gabriel Skantze
- [iva] Postdoc position in Predictive modelling for Conversational AI
Gabriel Skantze
- [iva] [CFP] 1st Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations
CyberSecurity UK
- [iva] RO-MAN 2020 Workshop - CognitIve RobotiCs for intEraction (CIRCE)
Giovanna Varni
- [iva] [CFP] ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (COVID-19 Update)
Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson
- [iva] Society for Affective Science 2021 Virtual Conference
Wormwood, Jolie
- [iva] Invitation to attend the GENEA Workshop at the IVA 2020
Youngwoo Yoon
- [iva] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 8(4) December 2019
James Young
- [iva] Nomination and Application due 1 June for MDPI Computers Travel Award 2020
Blink Yu
- [iva] Nomination and Application due 1 Nov for MDPI Computers Travel Award 2020
Blink Yu
- [iva] Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships at Utrecht University
Yumak, Z. (Zerrin)
- [iva] Call for Papers - IEEE MARCH Workshop on Modeling and Animating Realistic Crowds and Humans
Yumak, Z. (Zerrin)
- [iva] Invitation to attend IVA 2020: Workshop on Collaborations with Domain Experts for Virtual Agent Research (CoVAR)
Zalake,Mohan S
- [iva] [workshop] CfP: ICMI 2020 Workshop on Modeling Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data in the Wild
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] ICSR **REVISED** Call for workshops and other activities
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] ICSR 2020 - **REVISED** CALL FOR WORKSHOPS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES - Deadline July 31
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [journals] CFP: Frontiers Research Topic on “Creativity and Robotics”
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [journals] CFP: Frontiers Research Topic on “Creativity and Robotics”
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [journals] CFP: Frontiers Research Topic on “Creativity and Robotics”
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] CFP: "Metaphors for HRI" - ICSR 2021 Workshop
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] CFP: Workshop on Creativity and Robotics at ICSR 2020
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] [meetings] CFP: Workshop on Creativity and Robotics at ICSR 2020
patrícia alves-oliveira
- [iva] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 9(1) January 2020
young at cs.umanitoba.ca
- [iva] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 9(2) February 2020
young at cs.umanitoba.ca
- [iva] [CFP] ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction
young at cs.umanitoba.ca
- [iva] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 9(3) June 2020
young at cs.umanitoba.ca
- [iva] *New Issue* ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 9(4) October 2020
young at cs.umanitoba.ca
- [iva] 1st call - SLERD 2020
- [iva] SIGCHI Student Travel Grant for Attending ACM RecSys 2020 - Due Feb 1
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] Gary Marsden Student Development Fund for Attending ACM RecSys 2020
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Papers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Workshops
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 RecSys2020 Call for Industry Talks
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Reproducibility Papers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys2020 Call for Doctoral Symposium Papers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys2020 Call for Call for Tutorial Proposals
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys2020 Call for Demos
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2nd 2020 Call for Papers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 2nd Call for Reproducibility Papers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys2020 2nd Call for Industry Talks
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Papers and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Reproducibility Papers and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Tutorial Proposals and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Industry Talk Proposals and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Demos and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 3rd Call for Doctoral Symposium Submissions and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Papers and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Reproducibility Papers and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Tutorial Proposals and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Industry Talk Proposals and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Demos and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 4th Call for Doctoral Symposium Submissions and COVID Update
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] [EXTENDED DEADLINE] ACM RecSys 2020 Final Call for Demos
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Student Volunteers
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Financial Hardship Support
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Virtual Socials
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Call for Participation
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] ACM RecSys 2020 2nd Call for Virtual Socials
flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
- [iva] Open Research Scientist Position available in KIWI-biolabs: Machine Learning / AI in LifeScience and Biotechnology robotics
mark doerr
- [iva] CFP: Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS) 2020
- [iva] LAST CFP: Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS) 2020
- [iva] [meetings] CFP: Workshop on Creativity and Robotics at ICSR 2020
patrícia alves oliveira
- [iva] MAISTroPE (1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education)
salimf at tcd.ie
- [iva] CFP: MAISTroPE (1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education)
salimf at tcd.ie
- [iva] MAISTroPE (1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education)
salimf at tcd.ie
- [iva] Deadline extension! MAISTroPE (1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education)
salimf at tcd.ie
- [iva] Call for Participation MAISTroPE (1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education)
salimf at tcd.ie
- [iva] CFP: Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS) 2020
j.b.vanwaterschoot at utwente.nl
- [iva] Calls for ICMI 2021 Workshops
- [iva] Call for ICMI 2021 Multimodal Grand Challenges
Last message date:
Wed Dec 23 12:56:03 CET 2020
Archived on: Sat Jan 2 15:25:56 CET 2021
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