[iva] ACM RecSys 2020 Financial Hardship Support

flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br flaviovdf at dcc.ufmg.br
Tue Jul 28 00:20:10 CEST 2020

RecSys 2020: Financial Hardship Support

Registration is now open for RecSys 2020: https://recsys.acm.org/recsys20/registration/. The conference will be held entirely online during September 22-26, 2020.

The RecSys 2020 organization acknowledges the difficult times that some of the members of our community are facing. We want to be sure this is not an impediment for participating in RecSys 2020, which is why we have allocated a number of registration waivers for those experiencing financial hardship as part of our diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Community members of all backgrounds and disciplines are encouraged to apply. You do not need to have a paper accepted to apply. To be eligible to apply for financial hardship support, you must:

* Address reasons why you would not be able to attend if not provided the registration waiver.
* Demonstrate the benefits you would attain from attending RecSys 2020.


Submit your application via the following form: https://bit.ly/recsys2020-fh. The deadline for applications is August 7, 2020. Upon acceptance, you will receive an email with a code that can be used to waive the registration fees.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the chairs at inclusion2020 at recsys.acm.org.


* Humberto Corona, Booking.com, The Netherlands
* Sole Pera, Boise State University, USA

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