[iva] [meetings] CFP: "Metaphors for HRI" - ICSR 2021 Workshop

patrícia alves-oliveira patricialvesoliveira at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 02:59:56 CEST 2020

Call for Papers for the “Metaphors for Human-Robot Interactions” Workshop
at ICSR 2020 - Online
URL: https://robotmetaphors.com/

Submission deadline: 16 October 2020
Notification of acceptance: 30 October 2020
Camera-ready version: 6 November 2020
Workshop date: November 2020, day TBD (half-day workshop). Only accepted
participants are eligible to attend the workshop.

Until now, most approaches in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) were centered
around a single metaphor, striving towards a human-like, utilitarian,
can-do-it-all robot. While this strategy has advantages, it also places
unrealistic expectations for robots, which frequently result in
disappointment when interacting with them. In this workshop, we call for
exploring alternative designs for social robots to cultivate new
perspectives on robots, outside the existing norms. Alternative metaphors
have been previously successful in breaking through fixation and bringing
novel design and products. Furthermore, metaphors can serve as a vessel to
wider societal imaginaries of technology and progress.

This is the 1st Edition of the “Metaphors for Human-Robot Interactions”
Workshop, held virtually and in conjunction with ICSR 2020 (
https://sites.psu.edu/icsr2020/). The aim of this half-day workshop is to
use metaphors to reinvent how robots can interact with humans, re-imagine
alternative physical shapes for robots, and open up a conversation about
the role robots might have in societies.

Lockton Assistant Professor in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon
University, a Faculty Affiliate of the Scott Institute for Energy
Innovation, and Founder of the Imaginaries Lab. Lockton’s research focuses
on the links between design, sense-making, imaginaries, and human action.
In his work, Lockton has researched Metaphors as a design tool, and has
developed “New Metaphors”, a creative toolkit that uses metaphors to
generate novel ideas and re-frame existing problems.
Dan Lockton Website: https://danlockton.com/about/

Our goal is to create a "Collection of Metaphors" that could be used within
the field of Human-Robot Interaction and to other relevant intersection
fields. This Collection will be shared with the community and will provide
a reference for alternative designs and interactions between humans and
robots. The Collection will be made publicly available after the workshop

Included, but are not limited to:
* Human-robot interaction and robotics
* Design research
* Aesthetic and landscape studies
* Metaphors research, including dystrophic and utopic futurizing
* Speculative, critical, and surreal design studies
* Experimentation across disciplines such as music and sound, psychology,
design, architecture, illustration, and additional audio-visual arts

Authors are invited to submit a description of a new approach to
Human-Robot Interaction through a Metaphor. Authors can choose one of the
two submission formats:
(1) 2-page position paper using latex or word templates. Templates can be
found here https://sites.psu.edu/icsr2020/submission/;
(2) pictorial work with a description of the Metaphor, including films,
drawings/sketches, poems, stories, prototypes, hand-made models, or other
creative pieces that were created by the authors.
We welcome out of the box ideas. Submission materials should be emailed to
robotmetaphors at gmail dot com, and need to be accompanied by a short bio
and the cv of the authors. Only accepted participants are eligible to
attend the workshop.

This workshop encourages designers, artists, writers, film-makers,
architects, philosophers, psychologists, computer scientists and engineers,
to speculate on alternative metaphors for human-robot interactions. We aim
to create a space for discussing different perspectives on how to design
social robots that goes beyond the current, singular notion of social

* Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, University of Washington, USA
* Maria Luce Lupetti, TU Delft, The Netherlands
* Michal Luria, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
* Diana Löffler, Siegen University, Germany

For inquiries, robotmetaphors at gmail dot com.
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