[iva] [meetings] CFP: Workshop on Creativity and Robotics at ICSR 2020

patrícia alves-oliveira patricialvesoliveira at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 03:24:57 CEST 2020

Call for Papers for the 1st Workshop on Creativity and Robotics at ICSR 2020
URL: https://creativity-robotics.github.io/cfp/

Paper submission: October 16, 2020 AOE
Notification: October 31, 2020
Workshop dates: Nov. 14-15, 2020 (half-day workshop)

This workshop aims to bring together these lines of investigation and
debate existing challenges under the research topic of Creativity and
Robotics. The 1st Creativity and Robotics workshop will be a virtual
workshop at ICSR 2020. Our goal is to explore the creative potential a
robot offers as well as whether society will engage with such robots.

We invite papers that target creativity, robotics and the arts, design, and
engineering-related challenges: including new algorithms, systems,
methodology, datasets, evaluations, surveys, reproduced results, and
negative results.

Submissions to Creativity and Robotics Workshop at ICSR 2020 are limited to
6 pages of content (minimum 4 pages), but may contain an unlimited number
of pages for references and appendices. The latter may not necessarily be
read by the reviewers. We request and recommend that authors rely on the
supplementary material only to include minor details that do not fit in the
6 pages. The submission process is double-blind. All submissions must be
formatted with LaTeX using the ICSR 2020 paper format (

Submission: Email paper PDF to creativity dot robotics at gmail dot com

Contributions to this workshop are required to provide a clear definition
for the concept of Creativity. Additionally, contributions are expected to
discuss how their research contributes to a “common language” that advances
the holistic notion of the concept of creativity across fields. We welcome
articles currently under review or papers planned for publication
elsewhere. However, papers that have been published at another archival
conference should not be submitted. Accepted papers will be published on
the Creativity and Robotics homepage, but are to be considered non-archival.

This workshop is endorsed by Frontiers via a new research topic on
“Creativity and Robotics” (website:
in Frontiers in Robotics and AI Journal launched by the organizers of this
proposed workshop. Accepted papers for this workshop will be invited to
submit to this research topic.

Todd Lubart is Professor at the University Paris Descartes where he directs
the activity of the Laboratoire Adaptations Travail Individu (LATI). He
earned his PhD from Yale University in 1994 under the supervision of Robert
Sternberg and soon after that moved to the University of Paris Descartes
where he became an Assistant Professor in 1995 and then Professor of
Psychology in 2002. He was a member of the Institut Universitaire de France
(2005-2010). His work on creativity is extensive and includes approximately
75 publications, articles, books and book chapters covering various aspects
of the phenomenon: creative process, individual differences, role of
cognition and emotion, environmental and cultural factors, etc. His current
work develops a multivariate approach to creativity.

More information:

Include, but are not limited to:
* Algorithms to simulate creativity in social robots
* Curiosity in social robots
* Creativity applications of social robots, including educational,
healthcare, in-home, entertainment, among others
* Humor and jokes in social robots
* Long-term creativity between humans and robots
* Creative content generation in robots
* Outcomes of interaction with a creative robot
* Human perception of creative robots
* Artistic applications of robots reporting creativity outcomes, including
poetry, music, design, visual arts, performances
* Creativity as domain-specific or a domain-general in social robots
* Computational creativity for social robots
* Group versus individual creativity in human-robot interaction
* Creativity measurement in human-robot interaction
* Co-creation with social robots
* Robot embodiments and aesthetics for creativity fostering
* Creative process versus creative outcome
* Measuring human experiences in creating with robots
* Identifying key aspects of human creativity for machine design

* Vasanth Sarathy, SIFT, LLC
* Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, University of Washington, USA
* Amy LaViers, Robots, Automation and Dance (RAD) Laboratory, USA
* Peter Kahn, University of Washington, USA
* Goren Gordon, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Maya Cakmak, University of Washington, USA
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