[iva] Call for post-doc applications in interactive machine learning and social robotics (Sorbonne University)

Mohamed CHETOUANI mohamed.chetouani at sorbonne-universite.fr
Tue Nov 24 18:39:32 CET 2020

The PIRoS (Perception, Interaction and Robotique Sociales) team of the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) at Sorbonne University (Paris) is looking for a for a highly motivated and ambitious postdoctoral researcher.

Our group conducts research in the areas of human-robot interaction, social robotics and interactive machine learning with applications in education, health and industry.
The candidate will have the opportunity to develop new machine learning techniques allowing machines and robots to learn from natural interaction with humans.

The positions are for 12 to 24 months. 

The ideal candidate must have a PhD degree and a strong background in machine learning, social robotics or cognitive science/neuroscience.

The successful candidate should have: 
- Good knowledge of Machine Learning Techniques
- Good knowledge of experimental design and statistics 
- Excellent publication record
- Strong skills in Python 
- Willing to work in multi-disciplinary and international teams
- Good communication skills


Interested candidates should submit the following by email as soon as possible in a single PDF file to: mohamed.chetouani[@]sorbonne-universite.fr with the subject: Application Post-Doc
1. Curriculum vitae with 2 references (recommendation letters are also welcome) 
2. One-page summary of research background and interests 
3. At least three papers (either published, accepted for publication, or in-preparation) demonstrating expertise in one or more of the areas mentioned above 
4. Doctoral dissertation abstract and the expected date of graduation (for those who are currently pursuing a Ph.D) 

Mohamed Chetouani
Head of PIRoS team
Sorbonne Université - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique

Pyramide – Tour 55
Boîte courrier 173
4 Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE

Tel : (33) 01 44 27 63 08
Email : Mohamed.Chetouani at sorbonne-universite.fr 

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