[iva] Call for Papers - Games and NLP 2022 - EXTENSION

Christopher James Madge c.j.madge at qmul.ac.uk
Wed Apr 6 11:30:55 CEST 2022

We are extending the submission deadline for Games and NLP 2022 to April 15th.

Call for Papers - Games and NLP 2022 gamesandnlp.com<http://gamesandnlp.com/>

The 9th Games and Natural Language Processing (Games and NLP 2022) (gamesandnlp.com<http://gamesandnlp.com/>) —to be held at LREC 2022 — will examine the use of games and gamification for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, as well as how NLP research can advance player engagement and communication within games. The Games and NLP workshop aims to promote and explore the possibilities for research and practical applications of games and gamification that have a core NLP aspect, either to generate resources and perform language tasks or as a game mechanic itself. This workshop investigates computational and theoretical aspects of natural language research that would be beneficial for designing and building novel game experiences, or for processing texts to conduct formal game studies. NLP would benefit from games in obtaining language resources (e.g., construction of a thesaurus or a parser through a crowdsourcing game), or in learning the linguistic characteristics of game users as compared to those of other domains.

Paper topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Games for collecting data useful for NLP (games in planning, underdevelopment, or deployed)
• Gamification of NLP tasks (techniques, best practice and evaluation of gamification strategies)
• Player motivation and experience (strategies for recruitment/retention and player profiling)
• Game design (conceptual design elements and reports of success and/or failure of designs)
• Novel uses of natural language processing or generation as a game mechanic
• Natural language in games as an alternative method of input for people with disabilities
• Processing NLP game data (aggregation methods and strategies for minimising noise and cheating)
• Analysis of large-scale game-related corpora (e.g., game reviews, game play logs)
• Real-time sentiment analysis of player discourse or chat
• Evaluation of games for NLP (metrics for evaluating game performance, evaluating player performance, motivation and bias, and evaluating task difficulty)
• Serious games for learning languages
• Player immersion in language-enabled mixed reality or physically embodied games
• Narrative plot or text generation of text-based interactive narrative systems
• Natural language understanding and generation of character dialogue
• Ethical and privacy concerns of ownership of text and audio chat in massively multiplayer online games.

We encourage participants to share frequently used metrics for assessing game and player performance, further instructions for how to produce these can be found on our website (gamesandnlp.com<http://gamesandnlp.com/>).

Important Dates
• Submission Deadline: April 15th
• Notification of Acceptance: May 3rd
• Camera Ready Deadline: May 23rd
• Workshop: June 25th
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