[iva] Open professorships at the Research Center "Trustworthy Data Science and Security" in Germany

Nicole Krämer nicole.kraemer at uni-due.de
Tue Jul 12 14:23:10 CEST 2022

Dear IVA scholars,

I would like to share a job advertisement that will (hopefully) be of 
interest to the IVA community. It is a distinguished research 
professorship at a new research institute in Germany (Research Center 
"Trustworthy Data Science and Security") and addresses how humans 
interact with various forms of machines and algorithms.


There are four more research professorships on "Trustworthy Data 
Science", "Computing and Society", "Causal Inference" and "Fairness and 
Transparency" that can be accessed https://rc-trust.ai/

The deadline for applications is July 29th but will soon be extended to 
August 10th. If you have questions, they can be addressed to me, I will 
happily try to answer them.

I am looking forward to many applications from the IVA community!

best wishes,



Prof. Dr. Nicole Krämer

University Duisburg-Essen

Social Psychology, Media and Communication

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