[iva] Embodied AI Online Talk Series, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Yumak, Z. (Zerrin) Z.Yumak at uu.nl
Wed Dec 14 11:37:49 CET 2022

Dear All,

Tomorrow, 15th December Thursday at 10:00 CET, Assoc. Prof. Aniket Bera will give an online talk as part of the Embodied AI Talk Series, HAI (Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence) Focus Area at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

For more information and registration: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/embodied-ai-talk-by-aniket-bera-designing-emotionally-intelligent-digital-humans-that-move-express

Designing Emotionally-Intelligent Digital Humans that Move, Express, and Feel Like Us

For upcoming talks at Embodied AI Talk series, please check here<https://embodiedaiuu.wixsite.com/home>.


Dr. Zerrin Yumak | Assistant Professor of Human-Centered Computing|
Department of Information and Computing Sciences |
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht | Buys Ballot Building room 4.20
|+31 30 253 7578 | z.yumak at uu.nl<mailto:z.yumak at uu.nl>
|www.zerrinyumak.com  | Twitter: @zerrinyumak

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