[librecat-dev] fixes and repeatable fields subfields

Patrick Hochstenbach Patrick.Hochstenbach at UGent.be
Thu Oct 13 10:13:49 CEST 2016

Grep is your friend. The ALEPHSEQ format is great for searching data.

If you have a sorted file with values you want to search like:


Then you can find out all the MARC records (with 001) where these strings occur with:

$ catmandu MARC to MARC —type ALEPHSEQ < data.mrc | grep -Ff search.txt

ALEPHSEQ is a format that contains for every field in a record a line for text with the ‘001’ record key in front. A great format for searching stuff


> On 12 Oct 2016, at 00:49, Aki Leare <aki.leare at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a list of valuew, all in a csv, and i would like to know, the
> 001 they exist in, the taf occurrence in a record, and finally the
> subfield occurrence in this record.
> 001  34432
> 245  ##$a value $b meta $b spot
> 600  ##$a bla $c bla
> 600  ##$a something $b word
> and i was looking for spot and word,
> i would get as a result 001:34432, and somehow that spot was found in
> the first instance of 245 found in the record, and in the second
> occurrence of $b in this field
> Accordingly, for the word, that it exists in 001 34432, in the second
> occurrence of tag 600, and in the first occurrence of subfield b, in
> this case, and so on, in a meaningful report.
> Either i am missing something, or this is not doable with a proper fix?
> Thank you very much, and sorry for a long message
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Patrick Hochstenbach - digital architect
University Library Ghent
Sint-Hubertusstraat 8 - 9000 Ghent - Belgium
patrick.hochstenbach at ugent.be
+32 (0)9 264 7980

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